Chris Wolstenhgegsujwfkr

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really like this photo ^^^

 really like this photo ^^^

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*some random thoughts, deep thoughts*

I just need to relax. I am feeling sooo stressed these weeks, I can't even concentrate for a minute. Is it just me? All I want to do is to blackout, even though I've got so much to do. I'm usually a responsible person, I mean, I was, a cuple of months ago. I feel like I don't belong to my current life anymore, I want this "hard period" of my life to end as soon as possible. Why? Because of people... this is so cliché to write about, but I think it's true, or maybe it's just me who's being silly and ridiculous. Music and books and drawings are my only way to rest my mind right now.

This is depressing oh my gosh what happened there

Anyway, uh, I'm sorry if this had bothered you in any way, but I need to share my thoughts with someone who can understand me.

Thanks to Muse for making me feel better, always.

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