
Angelica's wound throbbed intensely. She could feel the pain all the way up her arm. As much as she wanted to cry, she pushed it back. Angelica wasn't a weak damsel that would cry at the slightest cut. But nevertheless she wanted to more than anything. She pushed it back as hard as her mind would let her. She would never cry in front of jack. She would never show weakness in front of him. Never.

She held her arm into her chest, as she watched jack walk back up to the helm. She made her way into the cabin, shut the door and sat down on the bed. Angelica look down at her arm. It was a ghastly sight. She turned her head away, still keeping it down, trying to push the pain away. It felt as if someone was slowly cutting her skin away. She felt the throbbing become harder as she tensed. Stay calm...remember what jack said...I don't want to start bleeding as well. The sound of a door shutting, made Angelica lift her head.


Jack walked over the table and placed down the compass keeping he's eyes firmly on Angelica. She frowned. "What about the ship and heading?". Jack took of his coat and hat and swallowed his pride for the second time today. "Well....your a little more important right now". Jack smiled and took of this waist coat and placed it on the table. Jack watched as Angelica looked away hiding her smile. "Me being more important than a ship, now that's a first..". Angelica raised her eyebrows. Jack turned his back, feeling genuinely slightly hurt at that comment. He frowned. "Despite being hurt and in pain, you still manage to pull out a smart ass comment". Angelica pushed out a smile. "That's when they are at their best jack.". Angelica put her head back down as a sharp pain flooded through her. "Ahh..". Jack grabbed a chair and placed it facing Angelica. He put his legs on either side of hers and softly grabbed her arm.

He turned her arm, softly this time, looking at it closely. It was red hot. He whole arm was pink and swollen. He cringed and sighed deeply. Jack felt Angelica place her hand in his leg and squeeze. He look up to find her eyes closed, squishing up her face. "Ya right?". Angelica reopened her eyes np and smiled weakly. "Yeah yeah...". Jack looked back down. "Ow long exactly has it been like dis...". "I don't....ah!" Jack accidentally put his finger too close to her wound and Angelica retracted back her arm. "JACK?!?". Jack flew back in his seat surprised. "Sorry sorry!". Jack put his hands up."Will you be more careful? Or are you still completely in able of caring for someone other than yourself?!". Angelica lifted her foot ready to kick him in the groin as pay back. "Wow wow! Wait wait wait!!". Jack crossed his legs. "We might want to use them later!". Angelica pulled a disgusted face. "inappropriate....". Jack smiled and got up. He walked over to the bag that she had on the table and grabbed the shirt out. "Ya gonna want to change shirts, that ones stained..". He chucked the shirt back over his shoulder.


She frowned as it hit the floor softly. "Did you have to throw it?. She stood up and picked it off the floor. She looked at her hands, not wanting to put on another one of these huge shirts. "Are there any... MY... Sized shirts in the closet?". Jack turned his head back. "Don't think so, they don't spend long periods at sea, tha navy...". Angelia sighed. "Ok....get out then...". Jack tuned fully around and smiled. "why?". Angelica rolled her eyes. "Because I want to change?..."she saw jack turn his head to the side playfully. "Come on out, no games". Jack walked closer. "I've seen it all before...". Jack smiled naughtily. Angelica put her good arm to her hip. "Exactly, so go back through your memories while your out there". She pushed him out the door and slammed it shut.


Jack sighed and turned away from the door. The sun had set and the wind and died down. The seas was clammed, and the air was cold. He put his hands around himself. He was only wearing his thin white shirt and It was practically open. It was freezing. He groaned and turned back to the door. He put his ear to the wood and knocked. "Come ooooon Angie! It's cold out here......". Jack tapped his foot impatiently. Suddenly the door opened and with Angelica in the door way wearing a new clean shirt. "You have no patience.". Angelica walked back to the bed and sat down holding her arm. Jack stepped inside and shut the door. "It was FREEZING out there luv..". Jack walked over to the table and put his coat back on. "Well it's not my fault you took you most of your clothes off now is it?". Jack walked back over and sat back down facing Angelica. He grabbed it back and looked closer. It really did look nasty, it looked infected. Jack felt a flash of fear run through him. If a cut became infected, that could be the end of you. "It's-" Angelica cut him off. "I know...". Jack looked up and into her eyes, trying to show that he did care, after her comment earlier.

Black Bottled RevengeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora