Chapter 1

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'Sometimes you have to move on without certain people, if they're meant to be in your life, they'll catch up'

I walk into the plane and wait while everyone else boards. I have a window seat so I figured most of the flight I'll zone out and listen to music.

A little while later I hear the seatbelt light ding on along with the usual safety precautions. The captains speaks in a cheerful tone as we begin take off.

I hope they catch up.


That was forever ago. Well, more like a few months. I've moved into an apartment after the whole baby situation happened...

~A 7 months ago~

"Take her to emergence. She's having a baby" they slowly and carefully strap me into a stretcher and push me along at a reasonable speed.

I yelp at the pain in my stomach.

"Just breathe m'am" I steady up my breathes and I focus my attention on my stomach. I could see the baby moving inside of me. Which causes me to panic.

"Give her something to calm her down!" The nurse which was behind me yells. They slow their pace and another nurse rushes towards me with a pill. I don't use any water so I just swallow it. Nothing has happened and we pull into a room.

They quickly do some examinations on me and one nurse speaks up.

"Miss, you have been in labor for about 3 days, why didn't you come any sooner?" I was shocked by that fact. I didn't even feel anything until about five minutes ago.

"I didn't feel anything" I say as I relax my head. Man, those pills really work.

"Well we're going to have to put you to sleep and give you a c-section" they inject an IV in my hand along with fifty grams of some sort of drug.

I fight to keep my eyes open but it's useless. I fall into a deep slumber.

As I awake I see no one in the room with me. I do see a nurse keeping a close watch on me outside of a window and when she makes eye contact with me she yells. "She's awake!" About six people I'm guessing mostly nurses, enter the room.

"I'm Doctor Marshall" he extends his hand to me. I shake it.

"We have some news.." he exchanges looks with the other people in the room. I can't quite make out what kind of look it was because I'm still on the after affects of the sleeping drug.

"The baby didn't make it, we could have treated it better if you would've came in a few days before when you went into labor but the baby was trapped and was having trouble breathing when we have you the c-section." I fell as if someone has stabbed my chest. I feel my eyes start to water and I can't contain it anymore. Tears. They come. Quite quickly too.

"We tried everything but nothing happened" the doctor looks around the room and motions to give me tissues. Tissues were put into my face and I take them. I blow my nose and wipe my eyes.

I notice the silence with have been brought upon us.

"When can I leave?"

"Whenever you're ready. We'll clean you up and you'll be on your way"


It brings a tear to my eye as I remember the day. That was the first time I cried since I left. And it's been the only time I've cried since I've arrived in Montreal.

I never told the guys or Josh about the baby, mostly cause they never asked about it.

I suddenly remember the ticket which I had bought to see the Montreal Canadiens play later tonight. I feel a lot better remembering that.

I still do YouTube full time and I talk to Josh about once a week. My channel has been blowing up. I just recently hit five million subscribers and it made me emotional.

During the time I was pregnant I made sure I didn't show anything past my chest and the fans still don't know anything that happened. It's almost like it never happened.

A knock on my apartment door brings me back to my thoughts. I groan as I sit up from the couch and go get it. I don't bother looking through the peep hole because it's probably my landlord looking for this months payment.

I open the door and I freeze up. There stood all seven boys.

Josh, Ethan, Jidé, Vikk, Tobi, Harry and last but not least Simon.

They all look happy to see me. All expect Simon. He just stays silent with a soft look on him. It pisses me off a little to see him not caring again. But I've moved on.

"Hey" I smile weakly. Everyone but Simon rushes in and gives me a hug. I laugh at them.

"Oh my god! You look great! I almost forgot you were pregnant" Tobi exclaims. When Tobi mentions the pregnancy I tense up and I see Simon throw an angry look at me.

I ignore him and stay silent.

"Why are you so quiet? Aren't you excited to see us? What about the kid? How's the kid?" Josh bombards me with multiple questions.

Everyone has their gaze on me.

"Well I mean. I left for a reason. I didn't expect to see you guys so soon"

"It's been a year!" JJ exclaims.

"Not quite" Vikk points out.

"Oh shut up"

I invite them in and we all sit around in the living room. There wasn't any more space for me so I sit on the floor in front of the tv.

We make small talk and they keep bring up the baby. As if it's an instinct I keep avoiding it or pushing away the question.

"Is the kid at a daycare or something?" Tobi asks, very intrigued by the whole kid situation.

"Yeah, something like that" I mumble. I think they've all noticed my silence by now, but they don't want to be rude.

"Stop avoiding the question women! Where the fuck is the kid?!" Simon rages as if he's had enough. My bipolar acts up almost instantly.

"Dead!!! Is that what you want to hear?! The kid died!" I yell at the top of my lungs.

The room falls silent.

"Abby, I'm-" I get up from my position on the floor and point towards the door.

"Get out." I grid through my teeth.

"Abby" Harry tries to speak.

"I said get out" I yell. They all quickly get up. And go through the door. They don't say bye or nothing. I slam the door and walk into the kitchen and begin throwing cups and glasses at the wall.


Oh boy..

Catch Up || A SDMN FF || Sequel To ABTSOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora