Chapter One Brey: A life changed

Start from the beginning

I powered up the computer and it asked for a password I tried birthdays, our last name, the code from the door, and their anniversary. Then I asked for a hint and it was your password is INNCORRECT, of course my dad would have a joke even in death. I typed the word correct to find an empty screen except for a single folder entitled Brey. I opened it to find a video and a document, so I clicked on the video and my parent's faces occupied the screen. "If you are seeing this then you are done with your basic training and you are ready for the next step, but sadly you have to do this on your own. We won't get to see you become the amazing person that you will become, and I want you to know that we will be so proud of you whatever you become," my mom said. "Brey we are sorry we weren't honest with you about what we do, so to set the record straight we don't technically work for the government and we are definitely not spies. Your mother and I eliminate those people who find loopholes and fall through the cracks in the justice system," dad said.

"This is what you need to do" he started "you are going to go to base Naylor and leave the twins where they will receive basic training with Joe Franklin. You will take the final exam and then you will go to a camp which ever one fits you best then you will perfect your craft." "We love you polar bear" they both said then the video ended, and I just sat there crying until I fell asleep. They next morning I opened the document entitled Base Naylor Protocol. The document was fifty-four pages long and included directions to the place, a gate password, a dorm number, and a very long list of rules. I sent a copy to my phone and read a sticky note on the edge of the desk that read in case of emergency this building will self-destruct.

For the next week, the twins and I mourned our parent's death. The news said that we all died in a multi car collision due to a drunk driver. I stopped crying at three that morning just because I didn't want to cry anymore. The next day I woke up at six at night to a loud alarm I went to the computer and it flashed PLEASE EXIT THE BUILDING IN THE NEXT 5 minuets 37 seconds and it started counting down. The printer was printing off the base Naylor file I grabbed it, yelled for the twins, and ran to the garage. I opened the garage door and pulled off the cover to reveal a navy-blue Chevy Silverado, but no keys I ran back in to the house and tore apart the bed room until I found them. The clock was at 2 minutes 15 seconds when I found the twins asleep on the couch, so I flipped it "WHAT THE HELL" Jazz screamed "we need to go" I yelled back shoving them to the garage. I jumped in to the front seat and started the engine we were a mile away when we heard the explosion. I guess this is my life now I thought looking at the rising ball of fire in the rear view.

I drove for the next hour answering the twins' questions while the sun set, why you, why weren't we trained, did you know, and did our parents know they were about to die. Thankfully we were low on gas after a quick search of the car we found a wallet with four hundred dollars, and a fake ID with my picture. We went to the nearest gas station, and the twins grabbed some snacks while I pumped. I looked in the back to find three suit cases and a duffel bag. I opened the duffel and found two Glocks, a revolver, an AR-15, an AK-47, seven magazines per gun, two sets of throwing knives, a katana, and a butterfly sword. The pump clicked, I put the cover on the back of the truck and honked for the twins. We pulled up to our destination to find a gate that read Naylor Ranch, I pressed the button for the intercom, said the password, and the gate opened. We drove up a dirt road to a building, and were met by two large men in grey suits. They grabbed the stuff out of the back and open the door for us to get out of the truck.

"Ms. Rena, it has been forever," the man said who was walking down the stairs towards us. "Who are you," I asked trying to place where I have seen him before. "I'm slightly hurt that you don't recognize me, I'm Joseph Franklin," he said not sparking any memories "you called me Joey," he said reluctantly. "Oh, my gosh," I exclaimed giving him a hug, Remembering that he was my old online school teacher. we followed him inside and we went to dorm 2051 Jazz entered the dorm code and opened the door. Inside was a large living room with a small kitchen off to the side and doors to two bedrooms with JAZZ and JACKIE painted on them. They both grabbed their suitcases and went to their rooms, and Joey told me that my test was tomorrow at eleven thirty.

The next morning I woke up at eight o'clock and took a shower on Jazz's side of the dorm. I washed, conditioned, and flat ironed my dark brown hair that barely touched my shoulders. I looked at myself in the mirror and saw my parents. My dad's chocolate skin, my mom's hazelnut eyes, my dad's nose, my mom's lips, my dad's long eyelashes, and my mom's perfectly styled eyebrows. I needed to focus, I assumed that this test would have a certain amount of physical activity so I put on a sports bra, gray tank top, leggings, and running shoes. I walked down the corridor at eleven fifteen and followed Joey into a dark room with a metal table, two chairs, and a mirror. I looked at him and he said "all you have to do is not lie and not tell the truth" Then he left the room. Over the next four hours eight people came in and tried to get me to answer their questions. Each of them having a different approach some asking nicely, some threatening my life, some yelling at me, and some even hitting me, but they still all failed. Joey came in and announced that I had passed and broken some record by a long shot.

We walked outside to a huge obstacle course that was about a mile long with a lot of climbing and people standing in for guards. Joe said "Get to the other side and don't let them catch you. You have ten minutes starting now." I sprinted and climbed the first twenty foot Rockwall then jumped down right behind the first guard then grabbed him by the back of his neck and smashed him into the wall. I pretty much continued that cycle climbing, knocking someone out, and running for the rest of the test. When I got to the end Joey said I passed with a perfect score, and I was going to camp Naylor. That night the twins waked me to the car and I gave them one last hug then got in the car and waved goodbye. That was the very last time I cried. 

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