Joey Graceffa's Roommate?

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Part 3:

That afternoon I decided I would go to Whole Foods to look for something to make for dinner and also some grocery necessities. I wanted to cook for Joey and I tonight since he did the night before.

It was helpful that Joey was a healthy eater too, meaning that we could split the cost of groceries and neither of us would be tempted by any 'junk food' being in the house.

As I finished applying my makeup and getting ready to go, Joey knocked on my bathroom door.

"Yeah," I replied, wondering why he bothered to knock. He knew I was fully clothed, but most likely he was only being polite, which I appreciated for the most part.

He strolled in and stood next to me. For a while he just watched me put the finishing touches on my makeup. He looked interested, which sort of thrilled me for some reason that I was oblivious to.

"Are you enjoying yourself, watching me put my makeup on," I giggled.

It seemed as if I caught him off guard, like he was staring without realizing.

"Actually, it's really interesting." He sounded sincere.

"You are too cute, Joseph," I laughed, playfully poking him in the center of his stomach.

He laughed, "I'm definitely not the cute one!"

Did Joey Graceffa just call me cute?


Sorry it's short, but I wanted to update before I went to sleep. Hopefully I'll have the chance to post tomorrow, but I have like 2 tests and a bunch of homework that I'll have to do, so I'll try to make time, but no promises!

I'm going to try to make the next chapter somewhat romantic. I hope you guys liked the end of this one.

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