The struggle

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Jessie and Diana finished with the disaster, "Do you think Alexandra is okay?", Jessie asked Diana as she threw out the damp toilet paper parts. Diana gave a nod and signaled Jessie to come to class. They both walked out together, side by side. Jessie noticed Alexandra heading into her math class, the class she has with half of those 6 girls. Diana waved 'bye' to Jessie before heading into their classes.

Alexandra sat in the back of the small classroom. As the others waited for the teacher to arrive, a girl with black hair yelled across the room to Alexandra saying, "read it!". By then she had the note on her desk. Alexandra slowly opened the note, her eyes widened at the words on the note, she began to shake and cry uncontrollably. The words, "Kill yourself" was written in capital letters across the page. This hadn't been the first note. She wiped her tears and shoved the note in with the rest and stood up to walk out of the class, only to get stopped by her math teacher. "Whats the hurry?" He asked in concerned, waiting for a accurate answer. She looked at him and walked passed him, not uttering a word. The teachr frowned at Alexandra and went to start his class for the afternoon.

Alexandra walked out of the school and made her way home, her emotions whirling inside. She passed by semi trucks, a train and busses, until she made it home. She took out her house key to unlock her door to her old home. As she walked in, she felt calm, but the numbness never went away. She threw her backpack in the closet and went straight to the kitchen.

The bell rang for break and Jessie and Diana both came out of there classes, meeting each other half way. "Where's Alexandra?", Jessie said in complete worry and confusion. Diana shrugged, then took out her cell phone to call Alexandra, she stayed on hold for two minutes but no answer. "Maybe go to her house? Won't hurt to skip one class.", Diana suggested. Jessie agreed and they both headed out of the school and made it towards alexandras house, as they made it to her house, they both saw ambulances, and Alexandra being lead out of the house in a body bag. Jessie ran up to one of the paramedics in confusion, "What happened?!", Jessie said as she began to shed tears.

The paramedic looked deep into her eyes and explained all that they could find out. Alexandras parents were sitting on the concrete step in tears, and not talking. Jessie shed more tears as Diana ran up to find out. Both girls were left speechless and shedding tears non stop.

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