Chapter Two

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Cobra leaned against the back wall of his cell. He watched carefully as a patrol of guards walked by, checking up on everyone and making sure they behaved. He counted thirty seconds before standing up and walking over to the bars. He glanced the best he could down both ways before stepping back. He brought his leg up and kicked his cell door as hard as he could with his bare foot. It jangled loudly and most of the prisoners looked over, curious and excited about what was going on.

He's been planning this for days. Ever sense he found out Natsu was being raped over and over again as a form of her torture. Cobra has grown far to attached to the pinkette to let something like this slip by with out him doing something about it. Plus it was about damn time someone tried out break out of this place.

Cobra kicked again and again, he didn't have his usual strength from when he was still in his dark guild. Most of it has vanished due to malnutrition and the physical torture he's been put through. He stopped kicking and started throwing his own body against the bars. The others around him started yelling and pleading for him to stop, scared that his doing this would cause them to be punished. Cobra ignored them as he continued to throw his whole weight against the bars. He knew it wouldn't have been easy, but the bars were old. So it's possible-

Everyone stopped pleading and begging when the bars suddenly bent. They all froze shocked. The dragon slayer threw himself one last time and he went tumbling out of his cell, the bars breaking under his weight and falling from the wall.

He stood up, holding his most likely wrenched shoulder. The prisoners cheered. Cobra had to move quickly, the guards would be here very soon now that the others were causing such a racket. They'll come and investigate.

The tan male walked over to the bars and picked one up, yanking it from the rest of its structure and holding it like a club. He quickly moved to the cell that had been across from him and smashed the lock keeping the doors closed. It fell apart and two men came running out. They looked at Cobra like he was some kind of God before going to his broken cage and grabbing their own weapons and helping beat the rest of the cell doors open.

By the time the guards got here most of the prisoners were already free. They couldn't handle the onslaught that met them when they tried to put everyone back. They were murdered quickly and people took there armor and weapons.

"FREEDOM!!" Someone screamed. Everyone charged at the door slamming it open and running in every direction, attempting to find the way out. Cobra was in amongst the crowd but instead of going the same way as them he went to the torture chambers. More people had to be free before he was ready to leave, he had to find Natsu.

The entire prison, torture, and dark guild hall complex was located deep under ground. That was obvious based on how hot the air always was. So the escapees weren't exactly sure where the exit was. They basically ran around killing anyone that tried stop them while they searched every nook and cranny for a hint or direction leading up.

Cobra turned down a corridor killing guards with his steel bar, hitting them hard over the head several times. Blood was splattered all over his body. He freed various people on the way there. He helped a tall blonde male with a lightening scar over one eye and a fairy tail guild mark on his ribs. He also helped a long blue haired girl with the same mark. She left with the blonde male while Cobra went looking for Natsu.

He opened many doors looking and looking. He wished he could get his god damned hand cuffs off so he could use his hearing magic to locate the fire breather. But he didn't need his magic to hear the sobs and begs coming from a room at the end.

He kicked the door open to find Natsu. She was naked and sprawled out on a bed, she and the bed was covered in blood, her blood. Two men were over her, one pinning her down the other rapping her. Both stopped what they were doing to look over.

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