Soon Enough?

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I soon learned exactly what Potter had coming to him. Professor Snape had given the student Saturday detention until the end of the year; meaning Harry wouldn't be able to play in the Ravenclaw v. Gryffindor game. News flooded the school, and everyone created their own rumors. No one was quite sure what happened, but they all knew Gryffindor would have to look for a new seeker if they wanted to play in the game, and more importantly; win the Quidditch Cup. Many Slytherins took Harry's punishment as an initiative for a celebration. They sung praises towards the team who had lost their famous captain. They all assumed without Harry Potter the team would lose. I was right there with them too, the Quidditch team would have to get more than 300 points to win the game. And without a good seeker...

It was the day of the game, a Saturday, I woke up late and got ready quickly. I was to go with Lacey, Aspect, and Piper, but decided to take a slight detour at the beginning of our trip to the Quidditch pitch.

"I'll be back very soon! Wait for me okay?" I yelled to my friends as I split from them. I was headed to the Infirmary. When I arrived, no one seemed to be in, so I rushed over Malfoy's bed. He seemed to be off in another world; thinking about something.

"I'm going to the game..." I stated hopefully.

"You are? How exciting," he expressed emotionless; staring at the celling as if it had more importance than I did.

"Yeah... I'll tell you how it goes!" I exclaimed and took a slight step back. I could tell I probably shouldn't have come to see him; he wasn't in a state to talk.

"Hopefully badly," he muttered.

"Yeah, Potter's not even on the team anymore... so it'll be interesting," I said softly wondering how he would respond.

"I haven't been to any Quidditch matches this year," he stated. His eyes shifted to look at me; he seemed surprised at himself, "I love Quidditch," he continued perplexed.

"You did love it... then something changed... I guess," I supposed. Looking behind me, no one had entered, but I needed to indicate I wanted to leave. I was becoming uncomfortable; almost regretting my decision. Seeing him in this state made me even more worried for him. This whole year I was supposed to not worry at all, but there was no avoiding it now.

"I guess," he repeated, "sometimes life surprises you. One moment you're fine, another..." he thought out loud.

"I didn't know you could be so philological," I joked. He didn't respond so I began to walk away.

"Cheer loudly against Gryffindor," he commanded stopping my attempt to leave. I smiled and turned back towards his cot.

"I will," I promised and walked out of the Infirmary.

Sadly, Slytherin's attempts to discourage Gryffindors had an opposite effect. The team won the Quidditch Cup. I couldn't believe it when it happened, but the girl filling Potter's spot was actually good. Ginny Weasley is what I remembered hearing, she must have been Ron's sister or something. I could almost say the whole school was shocked when they came out on top, but very soon after the 'amazing' win, the students of Hogwarts quickly shifted their rumors to the relationship of Harry and Ginny. Apparently during celebration of the victory Potter decided to kiss the female seeker in front of almost every Gryffindor. Thus, creating a relationship apparently because that's how it works. It was met with both hate and support, I didn't see it as either, but Malfoy favored one way over the other.

He was doing much better. I could tell that he would be on his feet again soon; a promise he was actually upholding.

"Augh!!" He screamed in frustration when I told him the news, "If I could walk right now and if it wouldn't get me in more trouble... I would come out of nowhere and BAM get him right in the back! Which curse do you think would be the worse...?" He plotted, "Try to find the one he used on me?"

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