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I did as I was supposed to and studied until the students came back from the game. They were all buzzing with excitement. I was surprised they, Slytherins, were talking about it so much; we didn't even play in the game. I saw Lacey and gestured for her to come to me.

"Hey, what's up? Everyone's acting like something spectacular happened at the game," I asked setting my book down.

"Well, if you'd like to put it that way... I guess it was pretty spectacular," she said laughing. Aspect and Piper were standing behind her chatting away; they were talking so quickly I could barely understand what they were saying.

"Well, what happened?" I continued looking back to Lacey. She smiled.

"You'll find out soon enough," she hinted, but I hit her and demanded she tell me, "Okay fine! The 'Chosen One' got clobbered in the head by his own teammate and passed out. Almost fell straight to the ground, but some team members caught him. He's in the Infirmary now. Also, Gryffindor lost the game," she explained. I raised my eyebrows.

"Really?" I exhaled. I was impressed, "Malfoy's gonna like that," I whispered looking to boy's dormitory. Lacey nodded.

"Yes, he is, and that's not all," she began again. I turned back to her and smirked. She looked behind her at her friends and continued, "Hey wanna get dinner? We were just about to head: starving! We can tell you about the rest of the game; it was truly something. I'm sad you missed it..." she sympathized.

"No, it's alright! I chose not to go, and it sounds like you're buzzing to tell everyone about it! I will gladly listen," I replied happily.

"Well... you can tell us about the very eventful time you had studying! And we'll tell you about the game," She suggested removing herself from the couch. I stood up to follow her nodding. Yeah, my time at the castle wasn't eventful at all...

During dinner, I learned Potter's whack to the head was only the climax of the game. Zacharias Smith, the Hufflepuff Chaser, was playing the game so he couldn't have been the announcer. In his place they recruited Luna (Looney) Lovegood to do the commentary. And... she was terrible; made the audience look at clouds, took huge bias's, told Smith he had Loser's Lurgey, and was basically distracted the whole time. At the very least I was told she was somewhat entertaining. On top of all that McLaggen, from Gryffindor, whom was filling in for Ron Weasley (since he was sick), was a complete control freak. McLaggen was the reason Potter had gotten hit; the player was trying to show another how to do their job, swung, and smacked Harry with the bludger. Draco would have probably given McLaggen 100 knuts just for doing so. I laughed at the whole conversation; Lacey, Aspect, and Piper were explaining it as if they were first-hand witnesses to a grand event.

"Speaking of Draco, do you know where he was during the game. You stayed back right?" Piper asked me. I was slightly caught off-guard, but expected a question, or something similar to arise at some time.

"Nope, didn't see him once," I said shrugging, "I was too invested in my book," I explained and returned to my food, not giving what I said a second thought. I didn't like lying, but I knew I had to.

"Where do you think he is now?" Lacey asked me when Piper and Aspect got into a deep conversation about which Quidditch players they thought were the cutest. I shrugged.

"Dunno, could be doing anything. He doesn't really show up for dinners anymore," I said looking over to the door expecting him to burst through any moment. Sadly, he didn't.

"Do you suspect he's doing that thing that you don't know is a thing, and aren't supposed to think is a thing, but is or may be?" she asked quickly. I laughed quietly.

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