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All Rights Reserved to Veronica Roth

Divergent by Veronica Roth, 2011
Insurgent by Veronica Roth, 2012
Allegiant by Veronica Roth, 2013
Four: A Divergent Collection by Veronica Roth, 2014

This introduction is not written by me, I will begin my writing in the next chapter. Full credit on :)

1 city, 5 factions: Abnegation, Erudite, Dauntless, Amity, and Candor. Each year, all sixteen-year-olds must select the faction to which they will devote the rest of their lives after taking an aptitude on who they are as a person and they will choose between these factions.

Abnegation (The Selfless)

I choose to turn away from my reflection, to rely not on myself but on my brothers and sisters, to project always outward until I disappear.
Abnegation Manifesto
Abnegation is the faction that values the needs of others above the needs of oneself, their core belief being 'Them before I.' Members of Abnegation take over the public services in the city. Though Abnegation can be selfless, a flaw of theirs is the fact that they are stifling. This is where they get their nickname, Stiffs.

Erudite (The Intelligent)

Ignorance is defined not as stupidity but as lack of knowledge. Lack of knowledge inevitably leads to lack of understanding. Lack of understanding leads to a disconnect among people with differences. Disconnection among people with differences leads to conflict. Knowledge is the only logical solution to the problem of conflict. Therefore, we propose that in order to eliminate conflict, we must eliminate the disconnect among those with differences by correcting the lack of understanding that arises from ignorance with knowledge. But one of the founders called Edith Prior who is related to Andrew Prior.
Erudite Manifesto

"Bookcases line the walls on either side of me, but they seem to be decorative more than anything, because computers occupy the tables in the center of the room, and no one is reading. The Erudite stare at screens with tense eyes, focused."

Dauntless (The Brave)

We believe in ordinary acts of bravery, in the courage that drives one person to stand up for another... We believe in shouting for those who can only whisper, in defending those who cannot defend themselves.
Dauntless Manifesto
Dauntless is considered the strong soldiers of the factions. Dauntless are those who are brave, seeming almost fearless. They strive to become courageous and indestructible. The Dauntless are those who guard The Fence, making sure no one gets in or out, and are the best soldiers. The Dauntless color is black. Members of Dauntless dress in tight-fitting dark or black clothing that aids in their lifestyle of battle and training. Dark makeup, tattoos, and piercings are also recommended for all members. To get to their base they jump on and off a train everyday.

Amity (The Peaceful)

Give freely, trusting that you will be given what you need... Do not be angry. The opinions of others cannot damage you... The wrong is past. You must let it rest where it lies... You must no longer think cruel thoughts. Cruel thoughts lead to cruel words, and hurt you as much as they hurt their target.
Amity Manifesto
Members of Amity value peace and harmony above all else. Members of Amity are dressed in red or yellow, though their faction only dictates they wear some amount of the colors. Styles are loose and comfortable. Amity children are seen playing hand clapping games and singing songs. Amity members are happy people, willing to serve, but, unlike Abnegation, do not come face-to-face with those they serve (usually). Despite this, Amity has given Chicago compassionate counselors and caretakers.

Candor (The Honest)

Candor members value honesty above all else. A member of Candor can be recognized from their black and white clothing, a visual representation of the black-and-white they see in truth. Through the years, the Candor faction provided the people with trustworthy and sound leaders in law. They are very truthful, sometimes to the point of being tactless. The Candor initiation does not utilize simulation, but utilizes lie detectors tests and truth serum: initiates are placed in front of all those in the faction and are asked deeply personal questions. They believe that charm is unnecessary and politeness is deception in pretty packaging. According to Christina, Candor acts according to the idea that if the person reveals all his secrets, he has no desire to lie about anything because the worst is already in the open. Although Candor values honesty the most, they also seek to develop impartiality. (The term "Candor" roots from the word "Candid." The word is a Latin word meaning to shine; be white.)

There is one more group that is not part of the social classes or factions. These are the Factionless. These are the people who failed to complete their initiation into whatever faction they chose and live in poverty, doing the work no one else wants to do. They are the janitors, construction workers and garbage collectors. They are the ones who make fabric, operate trains and drive buses. In return for their work they get food and clothing. They live in places like collapsed roads, empty subways full of trash and sewage. As well as that they are often given food and clothing from abnegation. It is later found that they have the highest number of Divergent. They wear mixed clothing from other factions. The Factionless also include elderly Dauntless.

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