Their Paid Girl - Part 29

Começar do início

          Desperately, I craned my neck around Joel’s waiting expression, staring at the door of the café just as it opened and the girl I’d been waiting for finally walked in.

          “ESTHER!” I hollered, jumping up from my booth and waving frantically. “HEY, ES, OVER HERE!”

          As if there was even a chance of her not seeing me. Joel had turned unhappily to see who I was waving at, and Esther approached us now, looking disoriented and lost.

          Actually, I wouldn’t be surprised if Esther had gotten lost on her way here, even though the café was right on campus and situated on a perfectly straight street. It would certainly explain why she was this late, letting conversation with Joel get this dangerous.

          “Oh, hi Shawna,” she said, coming to a stop in front of us. As soon as she realized who I was with, she went completely still, staring at Joel who was looking back at her.

          “Would you like to sit down?” he finally offered politely, always the gentleman.

          Esther didn’t seem to understand. Sighing in exasperation, I scooted over and yanked her into the seat beside me.

          “Joel, Esther,” I said formally, “I believe you guys already know each other.”

          “Hey, Esther,” Joel mumbled, glancing at me.

          “Hi,” Esther mumbled in reply, completely red.

          Ignoring Joel’s reluctance at having Esther there – I’d planned on having Esther conveniently walk into this very café on purpose – and I was determined to get them talking.

          This was my first plan put into action in getting Joel to fall for Esther. To my surprise, Esther’s feelings for Joel hadn’t passed overnight like they’d had with so many previous boys, but she continued moping around until I couldn’t stand her moroseness any longer.

          “So,” I said cheerily into the awkward silence. “Isn’t this fun?”

          Both Joel and Esther looked at me then as though I’d lost my mind.

          “God grant me patience,” I muttered under my breath, when neither of them replied. “Esther,” I said pointedly, turning to face my best friend. She glanced at me, alarmed that I was about to make her speak. “Isn’t there some huge party that’s supposed to happen tonight?”

          She stared at me uncomprehendingly, but thankfully Joel stepped in. “Yeah, I think the Epsilon fraternity is throwing one tonight,” he offered.

          I grimaced to myself. Fraternities. So ostentatious, so extra. But I kept a cheery smile as I looked at both of them.

          “Don’t you think you guys should go?” I said encouragingly. “I mean, you’re both important enough to get invites to a fraternity party, while I’m not.”

          “I’m pretty sure I could get you one,” Joel suggested. “An invite, I mean.”

          I closed my eyes. Not helpful. But at least Esther seemed to recover her use of basic English.


          I discreetly squeezed Esther’s hand beneath the table. “The party? I think you and Joel should go tonight,” I hinted heavily. “You haven’t been out much this past week. Enjoy your Friday.”

Their Paid GirlOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora