V: ha with Diego well have fun but not to much fun

A: no I'm not with Diego

V: Angie are you cheating

A: no I'm not cheating

G: but where are you

A: in somewhere

G: with who

A: are you serious you sound like my dad or mom

G: well you didn't say you were gonna be late home

A: I'm with a friend

G: fine but were are you gonna sleep at

A: at my house

V: okay Angie

A: bye vilu

            End Of Phone Call               

Diego was looking at me weird like he didn't understand what I was saying on the phone

D: friend???

A: sorry that was vilu wondering were I was I had to lie to her

D: why I am your boyfriend

A: I know that's why she well think wrong

D: oh OH I didn't know that

A: yeah don't worry but were where we

D: I don't know

A: okay then so maybe we can think of something to do

D: I was kidding

A: I know you were

D: but maybe we can watch a movie

A: no a movie is to boring

D: you wanna do something fun

A: well yes

D: maybe teach me how to sing

A: well no because that's my job I want a break what else

D:hmm maybe we can keep kissing that's fun

A: idiot but I won't mind missing you

D: well duh I am the best kisser in the world you are the second best but I din mind

A: oh really second best

Important note
Please read

I know its a really boring chapter and also really short but I have exams for the next few weeks and won't be able to update but if I do update they will be really short chapters if you would like me to update or wait until my exams are over and have really long chapter your chose just tell me what you want .

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