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Agender– Having no gender or a lack of gender identity

Alexigender– Gender identity which is fluid between more than one gender, but the individual cannot tell what those genders are. (hey hey hey it's me)

Ambigender– A feeling of two genders simultaneously, but without fluidity/shifting. May be used synonymously in some cases with bigender.

Ambonec– Identifying as both man and woman, yet neither at the same time.

Androgyne– Feeling in between, or a combination of, man and woman (or boy and girl).

Anesigender– Physically feeling like a certain gender but feeling more comfortable identifying as another.

Apogender– A subset of agender in which you feel not only genderless, but entirely removed from the concept of gender.

Aporagender– A gender separate from man/boy, woman/girl, and anything in between while still having a gendered feeling.

Arigender– Switching between nonbinary genders while feeling particularly associated with one feeling. Also known as arifluid.

Argogender– A subset of genderfluid wherein the changes between one’s separate genders or the parts of one’s gender happen gradually, or a gender that is defined by its slowness.

Bigender– Identifying as two genders; may be static or fluid.

Bigenderfluid– Being bigender, with your gender fluctuating between the two.

Boyflux– When one feels mostly or all male most of the time but experiences fluctuating intensities of male identity. This can be fluid with any other identity. Subset of genderflux.

Brevigender– A subset of genderfluid in which you feel your gender is never stable for long periods of time, but is constantly changing.

Cadogender– A subcategory of polygender identities (genderfluid, bigender, trigender, etc.) to have a gender to fall back on, or one that you always go back to.

Cancegender– Agender as “base” gender but experiences fluid/fluxing gender feelings in tandem with their emotions. These gender feelings may confuse or upset the individual and cause their emotional state to go haywire, which causes more gender changes. Also known as agenderfluid.

Cassgender– Feeling as if the very concept of gender is unimportant to you.

Ceterofluid– When you are ceterogender, and your feelings fluctuate between masculine, feminine, and/or neutral. Replaced by librafluid.

Ceterogender– A nonbinary gender with specific masculine, or feminine, or neutral feelings. (Can be used as ceterogirl, ceteroboy, etc.) Replaced by libragender.

Comgender– To experience gender, polar opposite of agender.

Demifluid/flux– Having multiple genders where some are static and others are fluid/flux.

Demigender– Feeling partially one gender, and partially something else, ex. demiboy, demigirl, etc. The “something else” may or may not be known.

Domgender- Being multiple genders with one specific gender emerging as the predominant one, e.g. domboy, domgirl, domnonbinary.

Duragender– A subcategory of polygender (genderfluid, bigender, trigender, etc) with an identifiable, long lasting gender that is more prominent than the other genders experienced.

Egogender– A gender which can only be described as the individual. It is so personal to you that no other word can describe it but “you”. One may also use (name)gender with their name inserted synonymously.

Glossary of LGBTQ TermsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora