sexualities/romantic orientations

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Abro: having an orientation or feelings about it that constantly change and cannot be pinned down for this reason

Aceflux: similar to genderflux where the intensity of sexual attraction you feel fluctuates; asexual to demisexual to allosexual and back

Aego: feeling attraction or desire only for situations that does not involve oneself; previously known as autochoris-

Andro: Attraction towards men or those with masculine characteristics. (it me)

Androgyno: Being attracted to both men and women, specifically to those with androgynous appearances.

Akoi: the feeling of attraction but not wanting it reciprocated or losing it when it is reciprocated; used as an alternative and potentially less problematic form of lithosexual/lithoromantic

Aliqua: not normally feeling attraction, but feeling it on occassion under specific circumstances; updated term is grey-/gray-

Amicus: when you’re attracted to people you’re platonically attracted to

Amorplatonic: experiencing romantic attraction but only wanting to be in queerplatonic/quasiplatonic relationships

Androphilia: an attraction primarily toward men or masculine-inclined people.

Apothi: being aromantic/asexual and not experiencing any romantic/sexual feelings in any shape or form; aromantic/asexual individuals who are romance/sex repulsed

Aromantic: feeling no romantic attraction regardless of gender or situation

Aroflux: similar to genderflux where the intensity or romantic attraction you feel fluctuates; aromantic to demiromantic to alloromantic and back

Arospike/Acespike: feeling no attraction except in occasional bursts of intense attraction and then plummeting back to no attraction

Asexual: feeling no sexual attraction regardless of gender or situation

Bellusromantic: having interest in conventionally romantic things yet not desiring a relationship; part of the aro spectrum

Bi: the feeling of attraction towards two genders

Borea: having an exception to your usual orientation; usually heteroflexible or homoflexible

Burst: having spikes in attraction that fade away after a while

Cass: feeling utterly indifferent towards attraction and believing its not important

Cease: usually beeing allo- yet occasionally feeling a sudden loss of attraction and then returning to normal

Cetero: the feeling of attraction towards nonbinary people; replaces skolio- because “skolio” means bent or broken and implies that nonbinary people must be fixed; this is reserved for trans/nonbinary individuals because cis people were judging nonbinary people based off of presentation alone

Culparomantic: feeling romantic and platonic attraction at the same time

Cupio: the feeling of having no attraction towards any gender yet still desiring a sexual or romantic relationship

Demi: not feeling attraction towards someone until a certain closeness or bond has been formed

Desinoromantic: when one does not experience full-on romantic attraction, but experiences “liking” someone instead of loving them romantically, at which point the attraction goes no further

Duo: having two or more well defined orientations that you switch between

Fin: feeling attraction to fem(me) identifying people; updated term is gyne-

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