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  Marley saw her life flash before her eyes. She was thankful she was already on the ground, otherwise she'd have collapsed with the pain. Her chest felt heavy; like it was falling in on her. The sudden loss of blood made her dizzy.

Almost immediately, Antonio was by her side and was putting pressure on her gaping chest. Blood was everywhere. Erin had called for an ambulance whilst Voight and Jay followed by the rest of the uniformed officers began the hunt for the gang members.

Marley felt her eyes get heavy. Noticing this, Antonio tapped her cheek gently.
"Marley, no, stay with me. Gabby would kill me if I let you go." He grinned down at her. She returned it with a weak smile and he stroked her hair with his free hand. The blood kept flowing.
"Hey, Antonio." She asked and he held eye contact with her.
"Tell everyone im sorry, okay? Tell them I love them." A tear rolled down her cheek as she felt her body become lighter.
"You can tell them yourself, young lady. ERIN WHERES THE AMBULANCE?!" He shouted the last part, noticing how weak she was growing.
"2 minutes now." She hollered back.

Marley shook her head. "Antonio, promise me you'll tell them, please promise me." She was growing frantic. She could feel herself dying and needed to be sure they all knew how happy theyd made her. Although he didn't want to, Antonio nodded.
"I promise sweetheart. But you'll be fine. Keep hanging on okay?"

Those were the last words she heard before she fell into a deep sleep.  

IN THIS SKIN -- CHICAGO FIREWhere stories live. Discover now