Pack Rules and Extra

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The Kingdom's Main Rules

✑ All wolfs must summit to their King and their Queen

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✑ All wolfs must summit to their King and their Queen.. No wolf in the pack is allowed to stand up to him unless they are challenging him.

✑ Every member cannot resist the orders that are assigned from the King or Queen. No one can say no to their orders, or else they shall be punished

•shifting infront of humans is not allowed. If mated to a human you shall shift them into a werewolf. But first you must tell the alpha

✑ All higher ranks must be respected by the pack members below them.

✑ Members must attend to say their higher ranks rank when speaking their names. For example; King y/n, Beta y/n. Commander y/n, Those three must be spoken by their ranks

✑ All members must respect each other, They are all like family, no one shall see each other as enemies.

✑ If betrayed or found someone doing something wrong, tell the king and they should be punished for the amount of damage they cause.

The kingdom's ranks

King - Dominate wolf who controls the kingdom, and every wolf. He is known as the god of the werewolf's. He is the main one and sets laws in his kingdom. He can band, exile or even kill. It is rare for him to get Challenged. The king has royal blood, as he does not shift into a lycan, but a .  One

Queen- also known as the goddess of the kingdom. She is the mate of the king and is also the one who can band, exile, or even kill people. She can also set laws. But mainly she is there to help everyone and make sure everyone is together and working fine. She can join wars and also lead them.

Beta/ beta female- the male is a lower rank of the king and still has power. When the King is away they take place and control the pack. But if the King and Queen dies or passes away they step forward and take lead, or lead until the heir is old enough to lead. They make sure the pack is also controlled and handle any business

Commanders- a rank lower than the beta, and still is very important to be pack. They rule different sections in certain parts of the kingdom..
1.Commander of war
Offense, attacking and controlling the fighters/warriors
2.Commander of protection
Defense and protecting the kingdom and seas
3. Commander of seas
Taking care of seas, making sure enemies don't come thew
4. Commander of collecting
bringing food or prey
(Maybe more to come)

Assassin- they are pretty important on spying around. There is up to 3 in the kingdom and helps find out clues, enemies and spies on the human world. They are very well at hunting, and fighting, and are equal ranks with the commanders.

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