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"Zee, I didn't realize that werewolves liked to play cruel," Lance says watching the werewolf.

"It's more noticeable on the full moon nights. Wolves like to play, but the cruelty comes into play when there's a bitch in heat. Lena, although I love her dearly, is a bitch and she's always just a step away from being in heat." Zee shrugs, "There are times when I'd bed her she gets so hot and bothered it's hard to stay away from her."

Jeremy comes out just then and smiles, which has become decidedly darker than it had been. "Oh, that'll be fun then won't it Zee? She's moving in with us tomorrow. If you don't have pack business I'll be requiring your help in moving her in." Jeremy goes over and ruffles his slaves hair and Zee gives a contented look.

"No, there is no pack business, I'll be able to help the bitch move in." Zee sighs as Jeremy scratches him behind the ear. Whether as a wolf or as a human that always feels good to him.

"Rosa is awake," Jeremy says to the others. "She is asking to speak to Leann and has told me that she is too weak to change the wardings, but she is lying to me." Jeremy is angry but makes sure that his hands remain gentle while they are on Zee.

Leann's eyes flash with fire with that information, "I will try to get her to change the wardings or I will take them down and make new ones for you." Leann marches off to Rosa's room with a martial glint in her eyes.

"I'm glad I'm not on her bad side Master," Zee says softly so only Jeremy can hear it.

"Me too, Zee. I wouldn't want to end up like the demons on the lowest level of hell."

"Oh yes, that was fun. I really wish she hadn't killed them all off so quickly. I still had a lot of anger I wanted to let loose." Lance says pouting more than a little.

"I wonder if the king will allow me to take Leann back and clear out the second to the lowest level," Lance says thoughtfully.

Zee grabs his masters leg in fear and Jeremy has to pet him to calm him down. "Lance you're scaring my pet. Please stop talking so casually about the lower levels of hell."

"I apologize Zee, Jeremy. I didn't mean to make either of you uncomfortable with my thoughts. I'll keep them to myself for now."

When Zee still doesn't relax Jeremy looks down in concern, "What is it Zee?"

"Can we go home now master?" Zee asks and is shaking in fear.

"Yes," he turns to Lance, "will you give Leann my thanks and goodnight? And Lance thank you as well."

"Sure thing Jeremy talk to you later," Lance waves them off before returning to his own thoughts.

Jeremy takes Zee to the supply room so he can make a portal home. "You'll have to get your car tomorrow Zee."

Zee is still shaking so bad he doesn't say anything. Jeremy pauses, "Zee?" He sees the fear in Zee's eyes and holds the wolf to him.

"Master," it's all Zee can say. Zee can't even walk he's too scared. Jeremy closes the portal and goes to sit in a corner and just holds the shaking wolf to him.

When Zee starts kissing him he allows it knowing that it is bringing Zee some calmness. Then it becomes more and Jeremy moans. "Master?" Zee asks for permission.

"Yes," Jeremy says and Zee goes to work.

Afterwards Zee is held in Jeremy's arms, but he's still trembling from what he saw and feels.

"Zee, why did you come to me? You guessed if you didn't know ahead of time what I was. You knew what would happen if we had any type of sexual contact. Why?"

"You will be angry with me master," Zee replies slowly but unable to say anything but the truth. Now his trembling isn't just from the premonition he had but what he fears Jeremy will do to him.

"Zee, my pet. I won't hurt you, but you need to tell me why." Jeremy says stroking Zee's back, like he's petting a dog. Zee moves so Jeremy will get the spot he wants petted.

"I needed to be your slave," Zee says finally as Jeremy hits the spot he wants and pleasure spreads through him.

"Pet, why did you need to be my slave? Wolves aren't very domesticated animals," Jeremy says smiling. Zee appears to be very domesticated at that moment.

"Most wolves aren't. Some remain violent and angry no matter what their circumstances. Others become domesticated, they are after all the forefathers of dogs." Zee sighs.

"Tell me, Zee. I know there is more, that isn't what you are afraid of me being angry about," Jeremy says his touch no longer the light petting of a pet.

Zee moans, "I had a premonition, master. If I wasn't your slave than for some reason life would end. I don't mean just my life, all life on Earth."

"Why did you think that this would make me angry?" Jeremy asks confused.

"I thought you would think I planned this, forced this on you, manipulated you," Zee responds tears in his eyes at his masters touch now.

"Is there more pet or is that all?" Jeremy asks as Zee moans aching for release.

"That is all master I swear it," Zee cries and Jeremy lets him find his release.

Jeremy kisses Zee deeply afterwards, "We don't know each other very well yet, pet, so I will forgive you for feeling as you did. Do not hide things from me, I don't take well to deception. You've seen a bit of how well I deal earlier. I have been restraining myself for your sake, don't ever make me angry with you, yes?"

"Forgive me master, I was wrong." Zee says looking down in shame.

Jeremy takes his head in his hands and lifts it up so he can look in Zee's eyes, "Now you want to tell me about what happened with Lance in the waiting room?"

And like that all the relaxed and good feelings Zee had vanished and fear once more makes him tremble. Jeremy frowns at this reaction.

"Perhaps we should go home first." Zee scrambles up and helps Jeremy to stand. Zee rapidly gets dressed as Jeremy makes a new portal to the house. As soon as he is dressed Zee once more holds to Jeremy trembling.

Glass Heartsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें