“I can’t help myself.”  He said as he hovered above me, once he had flung me onto the bed.  “That had to have been the longest drive of my life.”

     “Ditto.”  I whispered, electrical currents running down to my toes with the scent of him filling my nose, causing images to flash through my mind, the throbbing in my core intensifying, begging me to let go and let him quench this thirst that only he can quench.

     I felt like I couldn’t simply get enough of him – Cane was no better.  Other than showering and food, we spent the entirety of the next two days in bed, satisfying each other repeatedly although, not entirely in a physical way per se. 

     Cane had come up with an idea yesterday morning where he’d see how powerful our mind link would work.  Let’s just say that I woke up screaming his name in a fit of carnal bliss which left me speechless when I had realized that it had all been in my head.  My body begged to differ afterwards when I found myself having to satiate my needs with his body seeing as my core had throbbed and demanded for physical release.  I had returned that same favor when, to my delight, he was still sleeping when I woke this morning.  His little friend stood at attention for me as I began to pleasure him, sending him sexy images through his mind.  Yep, I was taking him to the next level – pleasuring both mental and physical all at once.  He woke on the verge of exploding and all he could do was lay there, his eyes wide with blissful shock, looking into mine as he throbbed in my hands, moaning my name; me, watching the whole thing, biting my lower lip, impressed with my handy work.

     We had been heading back to the Nottingham residence when all hell broke loose.  At first, we had driven by a black SUV that had been pulled over to the side of the road; some guy fixing a flat.  A few minutes up the same road, something struck me as odd – I had seen that SUV before.  Sure, there are loads of black Chevrolet Suburban’s with black tinted windows out there but something about this one looked familiar.  I immediately wracked my brain trying to figure out what exactly it was that struck a chord with me and all I came up with was the license plate; it read b8Davis.  It wasn’t the vehicle per se, it was the damn plates on it that caused this sudden bundle of nerves to unravel and twist my stomach into a multitude of knots.

      “Everything okay?”  Cane looked over at me as I tried to avoid his gaze by looking out the window.  I nodded.  “I can smell fear, Payton.”

      Damn.  These abilities are killing me right now.

     “I heard that too.”  He chuckled.  “What’s up, Baby?”

     “Drive faster.”  I tell him.


     “Because I think we’re being followed.”  I tell him, this time, meeting his eyes with mine.  He took a quick look in his rearview mirror and then I heard a deafening crash which shot my head back into the headrest before I jerked forcefully forward toward the dash, my seatbelt being the only thing keeping my body from flying out of my seat.  The rear windows to the car shattered as Cane struggled to speed up and maintain control of the car, the tires squealing on the pavement.  The smell of fear was overwhelming inside the car.  Thanking some higher power up above, I was glad when Cane’s sports car jetted quickly forward and as I looked in my mirror, the Suburban had begun to fade further behind us.  And then that’s when I had seen Cane’s cell phone, sitting in the console between the seats.  My fingers fumbled over the keys to find his parents’ number for an attempt to contact them.  Never in my life had I been more thankful when someone picked up at the other end.

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