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Hey guys my new story Vanished and hopefully find it good so yeah!!! VOTE and COMMENT!! Byyye!

November 16, 1987


Me and my friends went to a abandoned field . We jumped the fence. Mara and Ivy were in the other side already. " Come Haze jump" said Mara while Ivy checks back. " I don't know" I said looking around. " Come on , don't be such a pussy " said Mara smiling. " Fuck, find but I have a bad feeling" I said. " yeah, yeah just jump" she said. I climb got a lil suck but manage to get in the other side. I feel my left feet bare . " shit my flat are in the otherside" I said. Mara and Ivy started laughing. " forget it leave it " said Ivy. " What no I'm be walking all retarted " I said. " Just get it ,when we come back " said Mara. " or just take the other one so it would be even " said Ivy laughing with Mara. " hahaha fuck you" I said. " Stop bitching we will come back and jump again to go back" said Mara. I shrugged . we started walking. " I see a sign in the fence . " Hey ,is this private property?" I asked. " Yeah" said Ivy. " what you guys didn't tell me shit, you know if we get caught we go to jail" I said. " and just don't get caught" said Mara. " Haze just chill don't get to paranoid , just have fun" said Ivy. " Yeah fuck it " I said. Not feeling insecure. " See that's the Haze I know in first grade , down for her shit" said Mara popping out weed. " oh Hazel you brought the pipe?" Asked Mara. " Yeah " I said and got it out. " Aye , this field is fucking huge" said Ivy. I give the pipe to Mara so she was putting weed in it. " Yeah I hear crazy shit happen here" said Mara. " like what?" I asked looking around.

" Crazy shit like people light lights in the sky and shit " said mara " you mean that whole UFO bullshit" said Ivy. " Yeah that shit" said Mara. " I thought that only happen in Mexico" I said. " yeah me too" said Ivy. " Aye, Ivy pass the lighter yeah?" said mara . Ivy checks in her bag then gives it to her. " Well yeah ,what was I saying, yeah that shit happens here though" said Mara taking a hit. " that's bullshit though, like UFO that shit ain't real " said Ivy. " I don't know , I haven't seen so I cant say it's real" said Mara. She started coughing . " These is some good shit" she said. " Pass it on" said Ivy getting the pipe. " I seen a lot of videos of it in YouTube" I said. " Youtube? that bullshit " said Haze "those are lies" said lvy exhaling the smoke and passes to me. " I you think it's real about seeing them here?" I asked . " We'll that's why we are here " said Mara. I take a hit and exhale and pass to Mara . " Take another one" she said so I did. and gave to her. " Nah , doubt it we are seeing one , those are rumor, they are always rumors of every abandoned places" said Ivy. felt a chill throw my body . " I don't know , I have a bad Vibe , let's just leave " I said. " Of what?" asked Mara. Laughing with Ivy. " Well I don't know I just do , come on let's just go there's nothing good here" I said looking around. " Fuck it let's chill here" said Mara sitting under a tree. Ivy sits so I did. " Could enjoy your high your killing it by worrying too mad!" said Mara. " hey is that the woods" said Ivy point towards north side." Yeah , you down?" said Mara . Oh no not the woods. Ugh I have chill and enjoy the high, I'm panicking too much!!!. " Let's go!!!" I said. Ivy and Mara looks at me. " Really?" said Ivy raising an eyebrow smiling . " yes let's go know!" I said laughing. Ivy looks at Mara smiling. " okay " she said and stands up

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