Senior Year

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She woke up, blood slowly dripping down the side of her face, as she slowly  opened her eyes and realized she was tied to a chair. Still in a daze, she realized one of her eyes was nearly swollen shut, her face was bleeding, and her lip had been cut.

She looked around frantically, but the darkness was blinding. She could hear the faint sound of footsteps in the distance, and the door swung open.

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"You ready for this?"

She slipped on her Chanel sunglasses, and smoothly applied her posh pink  lipgloss to her full, pink lips. She smoothed her hands over her glossy brown hair, and smirked at her flawless reflection.

"Oh, I'm ready," Eva Rosewell replied smoothly, as a cool September wind blew in from the west. She snapped her compact mirror shut and tucked it into her shoulder bag. Then she squinted her eyes through the tall, black iron gate that bordered her school.

Lakewood High School.

Eva Rosewell and her best friend, Aubrey McDaniels, were finally seniors. Eva could scarcely believe how fast time had gone by. She remembered her freshman year, vididly. She'd been overcome with excitemen when she had found out that Aubrey, who she had befriended in the second gade, would be attending Lakewood with her. Being a proficient artist, Aubrey entered Lakewood and instantly clasped onto any opportunity she had to sketch or paint. And Eva, being a socialite, quickly climbed her way to the top of the social ladder.

They had clasped hands and paraded into the auditorium together for the freshman orietation, nervously chatting, and ogling freshman boys that loomed everywhere.

That was back when Aubrey had the fashion sense of a five year old, and Eva had been about fifteen pounds heavier. After a crash diet, she quickly found herself fitting into a size four, and Aubrey developed a congenial style.

And now, here they were, gazing at the campus they had grown so very fond of over the years. Eva, with her beautiful face and slender, model-worthy body, had quickly managed to get Lakewood under her thumb with very little ffot. And Aubrey with her meek, shy personality, tried not to be under Eva's shadow.

"We have to make this year unforgettable," Aubrey said as her thick, curly brown hair fluttered daintily in the breeze. Her eyes found a few random juniors and sophomores promenading by, talking loudly, hugging, and discussing their summer endeavors. Their hearts fluttered with an uneasy realization, that this was, indeed, their final year.

Eva pressed her lips together, straighened her back, and smiled as she and Aubrey walked into the courtyard, greeting their favorite security guards, and waving at random seniors. It was a flawless day in Boston, and everyone was in a splendid mood.

It was about twenty minutes until homeroom was set to meet, where the students would recieve their new identification cards and their schedules. The courtyard was bustling with freshman, many of them standing alone and pondering the campus with wide eyes, and upperclassmen with their friends, hugging, chatting, sipping on cold drinks.

The huge stone fountain statue of Lakewood's acclaimed mascot, the tiger, was located directly in the middle. Beautiful flowers were blooming all around it, and with it's long ledges, many people were sitting on it, relaxing with their friends.

Aubrey began nervously gnawing on her thumbnail, a habit she desperately tried to stop, as she and Eva approached the fountain At least seven people Aubrey had never seen before exchanged excitied hellos to Eva, and disregarded her completely.

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