Chapter 29 Back in Forks and back in drama

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(AN: Hey my reader's um I guess Hangel had more vote because it was twenty-two votes for Hangel and four votes for Nigel so Hangel wins and thanks again for voting hope you enjoy this chapter :)

Chapter 29

So we arrived to the airport and we were about to get on the plane went Emily's mom came like a maniac and pulled Emily in the car so we went on the plane anyway and now we are on the second plane and its landing on Port Angeles now

we got our suitcases and got off the plane it was raining of course well that Forks for youI saw a car waiting for the boys and I saw a red BMW waiting for me and Jason I knew it was Alice and Rosalie Harry did talk to me a little on the plane but not to much but I am going to make him talk to me about that kiss the other night.

"Well I'll see you guys at school bye," I said.

they all said 'bye' to me and Jason and hopped in the the black SUV and me and Jason hop in the BMW.

once they were gone I transformed me and Jason back to ourselves.

"Well tell me how you're two weeks with One Direction Angel," Alice says happily clapping her hands jumping a little in her seat.

I rolled my eyes from all the way to the house I explained on what happen between me Harry and Niall and that Harry told me to kiss him the other night.

"Wow you have a lot on you're plate," She says once we pull in the garage.

I nodded and got off the car anf grab my bag and went in the house once I walk in I was crashed with a big bear hug squeezing me really I look up it was Emmett.

"I've missed you so much Angel," he says letting me go I rolled my eyes.

"I only been gone for two weeks Emmett wasn't that long,"

"Well it's been long for us," Esme says.

as she came to me and Jason and hug us we hugged her back she let go and gave us a warm smile.

"Well I can't say I didn't miss this house because I do I couldn't take one more second of Emily, of her talking about Harry and how she is going to win his heart," Jason says annoyed.

I laugh at that yes Emily did was talk about how Harry will lift her off her feet.

"Is that Angel, and Jason, I hear," I heard Edward say.

I turn around Edward was standing there with Bella by his he was smiling looking amuse probably because me and Jason look like a mess with our hair all over the place I blame Rosalie because she wanted her top of her off so the wind mess our hair up and our clothse.

"Yes Edward you heard right," I said.

I heard Nessie come running from outside she bust threw the door and hug both of us more like threw her whole body at us.

"Oh my gosh I missed you guys so much," she says letting is go.

"We missed you too Nessie," me and Jason said at th same time.

I look around I didn't see Jasper anywhere I wonder where he his.

"Hey where's Jasper," I said.

"he went hunting I think," Bella said.

"Oh..... well am going upstairs to my room and unpack," I said.

I went upstairs I heard something horrifying coming from a small pixie. e

"Later on we are going shopping and your going no what," she squealed.

I groan I hate shopping I swear if there was a huge that will stay 24/7 up and never run out of clothse Alice would live there I walk in ny room unpacked I look at the clock it was 7:00 at night.

Harry Styles cheated on me now im a vampireOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora