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" Lewis!", Zayn yelled. Louis groaned as he heard his brother call him.

" What the fuck do you want", Louis shouted back. He rolled his eyes.

" Louis!", he heard his mother yell sternly. Louis rolled his eyes again.

" My bad", he yelled. He really wasn't sorry. Just then Zayn walked inside Louis room , red nose and teary eyed ,sniffling. Louis had on a board expression.

" Lewis", Zayn sobbed. " boo boo", He said pointing to the tiny paper cut on his finger. He got on the bed and sat beside Louis.

Louis sighed in annoyance.

" Stop being a baby . Its not even serious",Louis said looking at him with no sympathy. Just plain annoyance. Zayn began to cry again ,putting his finger in front of Louis hoping he will do something.

" Mom!", Louis yelled. A few minutes later his mother walked in. She immediately went to the crying Zayn.

" Louis! What did you do to him. I have already told you stop hurting your brother", She said wiping Zayn's tears off his face.

" I didn't do anything. He has a cut on his finger. Mom , its like the size of a dot. He's over exaggerating about something so little", Louis said whining. His mother grabbed Zayn's finger to examine the little cut he was crying over. She wouldn't disagree with Louis. It wasn't serious. But still to her baby Zayn  , It was.

" Awe. You made a boo boo", His mother said in a baby voice. Louis mentally vomit. Zayn nodded.

" Well come with mommy. We gonna make it all better ", she said grabbing her son Zayn off the bed.

" Louis , clean this damn room for the one hundredth of time", His mother said before leaving with Zayn.

" Louis , clean this damn room",Louis mocked.

" I think the fuck not", he said. Louis grabbed his phone and texted his friend Niall.

" There we go. All better", Johanna said wrapping the band-aid around Zayn's tiny finger. Zayn smiled before giggling and hugging his mother.

The front door opened and In came Yaser.

" Honey I'm home!", Yaser shouted closing the door behind him , and setting his brief case down on the counter.

He entered the kitchen seeing Zayn sitting on the table and Johanna filling a glass of water.

" Hey baby. I missed you", Yaser said giving a kiss to his lovely wife .

" You say that everyday", She said with a warm smile. Yaser kissed her again. He then turned his attention to his youngest son Zayn

" Hey little man. Have a good day at school", he said. Zayn nodded while giggling some. He currently had a lot saliva all over his bottom lip. Some coming along his chin.

Yaser smiled while kissing his temple. He then went back to his wife. He leaned against the rim of the countertop.

" I got a call from one of Louis teachers today. Says he threatened her with a pencil", Yaser said sighing. Johanna nearly choked on her water.

" He didn't. Louis! Come down right now!", She yelled . She shook her head.

" I swear that boy ", she said setting her glass on the countertop.

" Louis!", she yelled again. She looked at yaser with an annoyed expression.

" Lewis!", Zayn shouted. He didn't do it because his mother was calling , but because he wanted Louis to take him to the park.

Just then Louis came down stairs. He entered the kitchen.

" Oh , so you come when your brother calls and not your mother",Yaser said. Louis didn't come for either of them. He didn't even here them calling his name. He just came for some and water and then he was gonna leave.

" What", Louis said confused.

" What's this I hear. You threatened you teacher with a pencil. For gods sake a pencil! Care to explain", she said tapping her fingers on the counter.

Louis rolls his eyes.

" I swear that teacher over exaggerate. I didn't 'threaten her' with a pencil. I simply threw it at her", Louis said.

" Lewis?", Zayn said quietly. Louis heard him but paid no mind to him.

" When were you gonna tell us you got suspended", His father said. Louis groaned.

" Oh my god. Who cares", Louis dragged out.

" You got suspended!", his mother yelled.

" I can't. I just can't with you right now. No matter what we do. Your never gonna change", and with that she left the kitchen , to god knows where.

" Now you've made your mother upset", Yaser said.

" I don't care. She need to relax", Louis said

His father sighed.

" Your grounded for two weeks . I want see all your electronics in my room before you go to bed tonight. And no going out to see that blonde headed boy", his father said. Louis mouth gaped

" I fucking hate you", And with that he went back upstairs slamming his door.

"Lewis", Zayn said. He got up of the table and was about to walk up stairs when his father stopped him

" Louis isn't in the mood right now. You can go talk to him later. ",His father said taking Zayn to his play area

" Here. Play", His father said. Zayn sat down and began playing with his blocks.

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Trouble :)  ~ Ziam / Larry[ON HOLD]Where stories live. Discover now