"Chester, it's not the same thing! History shows us that the monarchy was not the best way to rule the land."

"Who's history? Where did you study everything you learned about history?"

Bronwyn gripped the book in her hands. "Sallus wrote this history book," she said.

"And then it was removed from the library, along with all the other copies. And copies of any other book which undermined the Mages agenda."

"But why did Sallus change his mind?"

"That's a good question, but the answer is power. Power is jealous, Bronwyn. It is easily desired, not easily given up."

She threw the book on the bed and gripped the bars too. "Then what happens now? Am I going to be sacrificed to this rebellion?"

Chester stepped back from the bars. "I hope not. I want you to save it."

"Excuse me?"

"Guard! Guard!" shouted Chester.

"What are you doing now?" said Bronwyn.

"Getting you out of here. Unless you can melt iron with your gifts you're going to need a key."

"The guard won't give you a key."

"Not without a fight, no."

"You're going to fight a guard? Just use your gifts."

"Me? I can't. I'm a faithful loyal Mage, remember. They can't know I am against them. You have to fight him. Guard, quickly! She is trying to escape!"


Chester looked at the lamps he placed on the ground then stepped aside as the guard approached so Bronwyn could see the candle flame.

"Use your imagination," said Chester.

The guard stepped into view, sword in hand and checked the cell door. Lamps flickered to life by his feet. The lights caught his attention and he looked down, looked up into the eyes of a Mage of the Flame, and Bronwyn hit him in the face with the history book. He stumbled backward with one hand up to protect his face, tripped, banged his head on the stone wall opposite and lay still.

Chester looked down at the unconscious guard nonplussed. "I thought you were going to do something...you know," he waved his hands in odd gestures.

"Two little lamps? You didn't give me much to work with."

Chester retrieved the keys from the guard's belt and unlocked the cell door.

"Come on, we don't have much time."

"To save the kingdom?"

"To save Morrigan."

"Morrigan? I thought this was about freeing the land from the Mages. I thought this was about a revolution."

"Do you want a revolution?"


"Do you want to save a life?"

"Of course."

Chester dragged the guard into the cell and locked the door behind him.

"Then you're on the right side, for now. Come on."

They ran back to the guard room and Chester dropped the keys on the table. Here the candle clocks showed the correct time which meant it would be some hours before the duty change.

Chester tugged at Bronwyn's arm to lead her to the door, but Bronwyn pulled back. "Wait. Tell me what is happening. No more clever speeches."

"We don't have time."

"Find some!"

"Fine. After your meeting this morning soldiers were dispatched to find Morrigan and anyone in Ashdown who came into contact with the message you found."

"They're going to arrest him?"

"If he's lucky. They might just kill him."

"What? What about Ashdown?"

"That's just a nowhere village. The Mages won't care what happens to the people there."

"But I care!"

"Listen to me! Morrigan is the priority. The party left before noon. They have a head start but you are just one rider. You can overtake them and warn him. He's vital."

"Why don't you have someone who can go?"

"Because everyone already in the city has to maintain their position. The Mages are suspicious. If someone vanished today they would like be identified as a loyalist. But no-one knows what to think of you, so if you escape it takes their gaze from the rest of us."

"So why do you trust me?"

"Personally, because I think you were too far removed from all of this to pick a side. And your faithfulness to your ideals means you have integrity. Rightly or wrongly, I am gambling on that. I'm just sorry you got caught up in this before we were ready."

"Ready for what?"

"The time for careful planning is over Bronwyn. You delivered your message to the wrong Mage, and the loyalist have to act now, today. By tonight, this city is going to burn."

"But won't the Mages come for you too? They know you're my counsel. How will you explain how I escaped my cell? she asked.

Chester pulled her to the door again and they raced up the steps. "Magic," he said.  

Arden (Mages of the Flame #1) FIRST DRAFTWhere stories live. Discover now