Long story short: Schneider put me in this school instead of pressing charges. And when I went to my hearing, he was actually on my side, so I didnt have to go to jail or anything.

I dont know how Griffin got here, though. He hasn't ever told me. I don't know barely anything about him, besides that he's rich. I don't even know his real name. All I do know is that the teachers call him by his last name; Colton.

Hes only told me that his first name starts with a G.

Even though I know his name isnt Griffin Colton, ive been calling him that since I came here. The reasoning behind this name is that the day I first saw him, he was talking to some other kid here about the difference between hippogriffs and griffins. So usually, when I see someone for the first time, its easier to remember the conversation rather than the name of the speaker, and Griffin is a much better name than Hippogriff.

But me, Im Boston Mathews. Fifteen year old, shorter than average, with long brown hair that passes my belly button, and big eyes that can't seem to decide whether they are black or brown. I'm a pretty typical looking girl, besides that with my huge eyes and small nose, I could pass as an oversized doll.

"Griffin, I can walk." I complain, as we venture through the castle, to our destination. "I know, but you're too independant. So I'm fixing that."

I roll my eyes and kick my leg up over his head, and pull myself up onto his neck, facing backwards. I hook my feet under his arms and fall back over his right shoulder, forcing him to lean forwards in fear that I may face plant on the ground. But I don't face plant. Instead I swing my left arm over my head right before I reach the floor. Letting go with my legs, I allow all my weight onto my arm.

My feet land on the rug and I stand up straight, taking in the amused slash surprised look on Griffins face.

I pivot on my toes and wait for him to walk past me so I can follow. As he passes, he hits the back of my head, playfully.

"Are we almost there?" My legs are moving two-times faster than his, yet I'm still not able to keep pace at his side. "No. We are there." He points at one of the strips of wood on the floor. I move closer, examining his find.

There is a faint trace of a circle about two feet long and two feet wide. The edges of the circle are barely more sunken-in than the rest of the floor, so probably only visible to people that know what theyre looking for.

People like us. People trying to escape.

"How do we get in?" I run my fingers along the perimeter, stopping at Griffins feet. "Like this." He answers simply, before facing a stainglass window that's positioned right above the secret door. He reaches out and presses the smallest piece of aqua blue glass with his finger.

The glass moves slightly at his touch, automaticly making the circle in front of us lift upwards, stirring the dust around it.

Griffin pulls up on the door, revealing an old ladder thats about seven feet long.

"Cool, huh?" He slides easily into the new-found passage. "Yeah. Where does it lead?" I swing my legs over the edge and wait for him to reach the bottom. "I think it goes to the lake. But I'm not sure." I hear him hit the ground and I start my descent.

Before I go down too far, I pull the door back into place, leaving us in pitch darkness.

I reach into my shoe and pull out my small flashlight, after I find the cement ground. Looking around with the little light that we have, I see that its pretty much like every other new hiding-hole we have found.

Spiderwebs everywhere, and the walls look like they could come crumbling down at any second. But we start through the cave, swatting at spiders and tripping on the loose dirt. For about twenty minutes we continue. The other students should be getting out of dinner by now, heading to their dorm rooms where they will be locked up till morning. I know that if we don't get in our rooms before eight, we will get locked out, making it easier for the staff to track straying students down. You're either in, or you're out until the next day.

Naabot mo na ang dulo ng mga na-publish na parte.

⏰ Huling update: Oct 03, 2014 ⏰

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