3. Note

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For some reason I am all of the sudden obsessed with Fall Out Boy... Anyways, the pic is for staygoldenhorseman."Johnson turned to Horseman and said, 'Stay Golden' while Horseman's brothers Stephan and Texas were out shopping."-Outdoors. Alright enjoy!

Percy POV~

I was hidden behind a crate at the Star City docks, watching some men walk into a small boat (definitely smaller than the Princess Andromeda) and come out with large crates of drugs. I soon noticed that there were 7 other people hiding in the shadows. σκατά! (A/N I'm not going to translate. You can do that yourselves.)

It was the Justice League's covert team.

This was supposed to be my first mission so I could get used to fighting on the streets. Knowing their reputation they would see me as some sort of threat and wouldn't let me complete the mission.

I know I'm kind of sounding selfish but you would too if there was 10% chance of you going straight home after this.

Then, I had an idea. And it was a complete Seaweed Brain plan that would probably get me caught and/or killed. Yep, it was the best plan I could think of. I jumped out of my hiding place silently and stayed in the shadows. I had noticed earlier that the guard guys would watch the men when they would go into the boat.

While the guards were watching the men, I made the boat rock a little bit so they would lose their balance and I ran out of the shadows, grabbed a crate, and ran back into the shadows. I did this over and over again until the men started noticing that the crates were going missing.

And so did the JLA's covert team.

Apparently they weren't really paying much attention to the drug crates. Which is very good for me. So far my plan is going according to, well, plan.

While the drug dealers and guards were looking around confused, I ran out and knocked them all out. I ran back into the shadows and pulled out a sticky note and pen.

I quickly scribbled something down and threw it in the direction of the drug dealers, using the water molecules in the air to guide the paper onto one of the dealers chests.

I vapor traveled (like shadow traveling but much more comfortable and less draining) to a clearing near some water, not exactly sure on the location, and burned the drugs, using the water to put it out afterwards.

Then I vapor traveled back to my room and checked the clock. 11:30. I decided to call it a night and changed out of my armor. I crawled into bed, smiling at what the reactions of the YJ team must of been to my note.


Dick POV~

We were all in the bioship on our way to the Star City docks. We made up a plan that we would wait until all of the drugs were out of the boat and then kick some butt. It was the worst plan I had ever heard. But it was an okay plan that I would probably not follow.

We reached the docks and hid behind some old crates. We watched the men that were going into the boat and bringing out the drugs.

That's when I noticed it. I saw something that looked like gold out of the corner of my eye but when I looked in the direction I had seen it, it was gone. Huh, weird.

Then the drugs disappeared. I pointed it out to the rest of the team.

And while the guards and dealer were looking around confused, I debated running out there and knocking them out but then a girl in all gold armor ran out of the shadows and knocked them all out before disappearing back into the shadows.

The team and I ran out of our hiding places and ran towards where the girl had been hiding when a sticky note was thrown onto one of the dealers chests. Kid Flash picked it up and read it out loud.

"Have fun. Lots of love, Cyclone."

"Who's Cyclone?" Superboy asked.

"I don't know but we have to tell the League." I said. We then walked back to the bioship and went back to the mountain.

A/N Good? Bad? I tried. Read, vote, and comment!

Your in demigodishness and all that, peace out! ✌

Word Count- 734

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