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When the truck splutters to a stop in front of Alexandra I hastily get out and walk briskly back to the house I have to share with Enid.

I don't care if I was expected to help unload it. I've done my part today.

If Enid was in the house she didn't appear as I stomped up the stairs and into my room.

I peel off the blood splattered clothing and go to the bathroom to shower. I turn the water on the hottest it can go and scrub my skin raw.

Suddenly, being alone in the shower, the tears start to spill. I've held so many memories in for so long that it hurt bringing them back up. The danger of the situation today was too much and even though it was childish it actually hurt my feelings to think that Rick and Carl would put me in that situation just to test me.

I take the longest shower I can until I can't cry anymore and then step out. I walk back to my room and still can't see any sign of Enid.

I put on another pair of jeans and a looser shirt and crawl under the thin sheets on the bed.

It feels strange to close my eyes so I just stare at the wall and take deep breathes.

I hear quiet knocking on the other side of the door.

"Enid, I swear to god-"

"It's not Enid."

I quickly sit up.

"Carl?" I ask, remembering the voice.

"Yeah," he says pushing the door open and closing it behind him as he walks in.

"What are you d-"

"I just wanted- I wanted to," his voice cracks and tears spill from his one eye.

"I'm not crying cause I'm sad," he quickly speaks. "I'm not sorry for what we did today either, but. I am sorry for all the- the stuff that's happened to you and to me and I'm sorry for myself and my goddamn eye and-" he puts his head down and begins to take off the bandage.

"Oh my god I don't think-" I begin.

"I hate this life, I hate a lot of people and I hate what I look like now. No ones seen my eye yet but for some reason, I feel that I want to show some one it, I don't care about you so I'm going to-"

"Don't be an idiot I don't want to see that disgusting-"

He drops the bandage and looks at me.

"That's the most grossest thing I've ever seen," I say.

"I know," he answers, his tears long dried.

His eye or wound or....is loose skin surround by red infected flesh. Yellow smudges cover where his eyelid should be, it looks horrible but... it looks very suitable for this life.

"I don't actually think it's as bad as you think," I say.

"Yes it is," he says.

"Why are you showing me this? Why not Enid?" I ask.

"I don't actually know where Enid, well actually I guess I kinda do...and I don't want to show her," he answers.

"Why not?"

"I don't know."

"So I've seen it, you've cried and complained, what do you want Carl?" I demand, suddenly a lot more tired then before.

"I guess I- I want to forget, just let it out, just," he fumbles.

"You want to rape me?" I ask, bored.

"No," he says quickly. "At the moment we both hate each other and we've both brought up memories from the past and-"

"Get over here."

Walker Killing, Man Stealing TeenWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt