Chapter 4

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Hello, everyone!

First of all, I'd like to thank everyone who read, commented and voted! It really means a lot.

Second, I'm really sorry for not updating Take Me Away. I've momentarily lost inspiration and run out of ideas. :( Truly, very sorry. :(

On the other hand, I hope you guys stay tuned!

Have a great day! xx

Dedicated to @BrookeFindlay! Check out her story, 'Grenwhich Abbey'! :)


This guy is freaking crazy! Get out of the car, Ris!

I stared at him, wide eyed. Did he just ask me to become his pretend girlfriend?

"Look, I know it's too much to ask. I just really need you right now, Rissey. Please do me this one, huge favor and I'll forever be in your debt," Ian said, breaking the silence.

"What the hell? Are you out of your mind?" I said as I tried to get of the car. He grabbed my arm firmly and pulled me back to my seat. I turned to face him, only to find my face inches from his.

"Aren't you even going to ask me why?" he said, looking me in the eye and keeping his grip on my arm.

"Fine, Ian Radke. You better not give me some shitty excuse like 'I need my inheritance and presenting a suitable girl is the only way to get it'," I said. He smiled a little before releasing my arm. He put one hand on the steering wheel and rested the other on the car door. He let out a soft laugh before turning his head toward me.

"Don't worry, it's not about my inheritance. Like I said, my mother controls that and it's not like I need right now. She wouldn't put up some stupid rule like that. It's that my sister's getting married over the summer which is a few weeks away and -"

"You need a date to your sister's wedding?" I asked, raising my voice. I was more confused than upset at the moment.

"You don't understand! That's not what I meant!" he said. He was obviously stressed, tensed and frustrated. His grip on the steering wheel tightened; his knuckles were white.

"You're right, I don't understand," I said, trying my best to sound calm even though I was starting to get really annoyed.

"I'm going over to my grandmother's estate with Noah for the preparation. It's going to last for three weeks and I need you there with me," he said.

"What the hell? So you won't get bored?" I replied, letting disgust taint my voice.

"What? No! Clarisse, no! My ex-girlfriend's family is a very close to my family . My grandfather insisted that they stay with them -with us- in the estate while we all prepared for the wedding."

"What would you need me for, then?" I asked.

"I want to win her back. I know how her mind operates. Once she sees me happy with someone else, she'll come crawling back," he said coolly all of a sudden.

"So you want to use me to make your ex jealous?"

"That's it."

"And in return you'll help me look for my birthmother?"

"Yes. I promise."

"Why can't you just get some random chick from the university and bring her with you?"

"Because I don't want some random chick. I want you."

I rolled my eyes, opened the car door and jumped out of the car before he could stop me again. "Good night, Ian," I said before running inside the house. Who does he think he is anyway? Also, I did not want to look for my birthmother anyway. Just when I thought he was a good guy, he was starting to prove me wrong. I sighed and made my way to the kitchen and made myself warm milk to help me sleep.

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