18. A World In Turmoil

Start from the beginning

"I see what you mean... Wait a second, how do you know about Dropstone's anniversary?"

"I work at the police station in Folsense. As I am aware you know, that station is quite new so before that I worked here. I think I know a little about the place." She grinned slyly.

"Oh right..."

They continued to admire the celebrations when Flora suddenly started and turned to the Professor.

"We can take the Molentary Express!"

"That is a possibility." He agreed, turning to face back the way they had come. He could just see a small part of the magnificent train sitting outside the station. He had a feeling he knew who might be there. "Come. I think it is time to see our old friend, Sammy again."

Flora let out a small giggle and the three hurried back to the station. Sure enough, the enigmatic train conductor had been here for his baton was resting against a nearby bench, but the man himself was nowhere to be seen.

"What do we do now?" Flora asked, worriedly.

"I believe that the conductor may be taking part in the festivities. I suggest that we head back and search f-"

The Professor was cut off by a shrill shriek that dug into their insides. It was the unmistakable sound of someone in great danger and they all knew it well.

Rushing back to the Plaza, their legs carrying them there as fast as possible, the three stopped as they saw the crowd had huddled around a single spot.

Pushing through the throng, the three saw a woman lying still on the floor. She was without a doubt, dead.

"What happened here?!" Hershel exclaimed, addressing the entire crowd. They were all too stunned to speak when a woman stepped forward, shivering with fear and sobbing uncontrollably.

"She... she was... walking when the stone gar... gargoyle from on top of that building there fell and hit her..."

As the woman was comforted by her husband, Hershel looked to the roof above that she had mentioned.

"I do not remember there being a gargoyle atop that building last time I was here." He muttered.

"Well now we know why..." Inspector Marauder commented wryly.

Flora took a moment before she finally understood what the others were saying.

"The reason you don't remember seeing it there, is because it fell... ten years ago. On this woman... And that means!"

They stepped back as they waited for the process. The same process they had seen with the student, Lewis Blake in the University.

It seemed the crowd were not aware of this process, and so gasps spread through the crowd like a wave as the woman stood up, unharmed and completely unaware of the thing that had just happened to her. The gargoyle was not there and no mark showed on her head.

"What is this?!" One man exclaimed.

"Is this magic?!" Another cried.

As the accusations flew, the three members of Team Claire stopped to discuss this recent piece on news.

"It would also appear that these people see the avoidance of death as a miracle."

"Surely they would have seen this happen with the others?!" Inspector Marauder queried, turning to check the crowd hadn't got too out of hand.

"I cannot say what has happened in their minds, but what I can say is this is further proof of why we need to stop the Gatherer. This is doing more harm than good."

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