41. Moment To Remember!

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Part - 41

"If I Could Be Anything In The World I Would Want To Be A Teardrop Because I Would Be Born In Your Eyes, Live On Your Cheeks & Die On Your Lips."

(Mithra's POV)

(Few months later)

I search here & there for Karthik as I impatiently wait in Mumbai Airport lounge. Finally, I spot him at the farthest end, his back is facing me and his phone his stuck to his ear. I bet it's an office call. Why don't they let my poor husband live in peace even for a day?

I walk closer to him & he casually turns around but fails to notice my presence as he seems too engrossed with whoever he's talking.

I glare at him and walk past him.

"Hey!" He calls. "Mithra, wait! Where are you going?" He catches up with me & holds my hand to halt me.

"Who are you?" I ask. He frowns & looks over his shoulder to see whether I was talking to someone else.

"I am talking to you Mister! Who are you?" I ask politely snapping my fingers in front of his face.

"Me?" He asks in shock as he rubs his fingers through his over grown beard. Argh! I hate this look. What the hell has he done to his pretty face?

"Have you hit your head somewhere & suffering from amnesia now that you forgot me?" he asks, teasingly.

"No, I am perfectly alright but just tell me who the hell are you?" I ask.

"I am your husband, dammit!"

"Oh! Sorry, I couldn't recognize you." I say.

"Why?" He asks confused. I point to his thick beard which covered half of his beautiful face.

"Oh this!" he caresses his beardy chin "I thought to try a new look..."

"Is that why you didn't come on video chat for a couple of weeks?" I ask.


"First thing you do when we reach home is shaving. I don't like that ugly beard. You look like a caveman!" I say pointing to the disguise he has created on his face.

"What? It took me two weeks to set this look... I am not going to change this look anytime sooner"

"Yes, you are changing!" I say sternly.

"No way... You know what? All the women in my office said I looked too hot with beard" he says so proudly.

"You are my husband & not those bitches in your office so do as I say" I loudly order.

"You can't boss me around over every damn f**king thing" he growls as he eases out the car from the parking lot. We didn't realize when we reached our car & got into it as we were busy fighting and now we are heading to our apartment.

"Don't forget, you did the same to me." I retort.

"When?" He asks.

"Last year when I joined college & asked you whether I can cut my hair short as most of my college mates were having short hair what you said? You created a racket over that issue & forbidden me from cutting it short, didn't you?" I ask raising a brow. "And I obliged to your words just because you like my thick long hair and I also wanted to please you, always!" I state.

"And your point is?" He asks.

"If you still didn't get my point then you are so obtuse" I snarl at him.

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