Chapter 5

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Soft laughter is heard all around me, and some of it is mine. I'm smiling and enjoying my glass of champagne.

Mr. Davidson or actually Markus as he's asked me to call him.

He's telling me a quite funny story of what happened at his work today. Our food arrives and we've slowly been eating enjoying each other's company and voices. Families leaving and going. Although less than before, as it's close to closing time. Markus ends up paying the bill and offering me a ride.

"No, it's quite alright, I rode my bike anyways, I'm not too far away. It's fine. Thank you for saving me and having dinner with me." I smile as I get my things together.

"Anytime Destinee. Anytime." He says smiling.

The tension has become slightly heavy neither one of us knowing exactly what to do. I take the first step nodding my head at him and waving. He surprises me by hugging me and then telling me farewell.

I get on my bike and bike back home exhausted but relaxed and refreshed. After getting safely into my apartment I clear out my pockets and find a small slip of white paper. I open it.

I had a great time tonight. Would be fun to do it again.
Call me sometime dear?

I blush slightly and end up pinning it up on my cork board. I'll think about this, I don't really want to get into another relationship and only have it be a fling. For him or me even. I hate hurting people. I avoid it most of the time if I can.

We'll see where this goes, we'll see.

(a/N fake number, I don't suggest calling or trying to text it.)

What's becoming of Me.जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें