Chapter 4

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{Edited again}

I wake up from an obnoxious ringing. My cell is going off, hurriedly I grab it and answer without seeing the caller ID.

"Hello...?" I groggily answer.

"Hey, it's your Boss. You're late." My..boss? CRAP! The diner...oh. Wait.

"Oh right, um about that, I'm giving my 3-day notice. And calling in sick today, with pay." I reply sitting up slowly.

Since there is a prominent pounding in my head.

"...alright. Hope you feel better. You last day of work is Monday. 6pm to closing. Alright? Okay, bye" she hung up before I could even say goodbye back.

I slowly stand up and run to the bathroom throwing up. I should've had more water last night. Flushing the toilet, I grab some painkillers and go to my kitchen getting some water, taking them. Sighing I think of last night, and Mr. Davidson... He's was such a kind and nice man. To offer underage stripper jobs? And legal jobs at that? For the pay we need to get by...Although not sure if I can completely abide by no illegal thing. He said I could drink, but only at home. Which I actually don't mind. I wonder how much money he has if he does this kind of thing...To know he was raised by his sister who had conditions like Taylor. The only reason why I'm like this is because of my own stupid mistakes. No one else... For some reason...I want to get better again.

Which is why I said yes to that job. I want to get better and be happy again and live and maybe love. Or just have friends and maybe a family. I start think back to my family who disowned me, and before I know it there are flashbacks and I'm crying again.


"Hey family! I'm home!" I say as I walk into my house closing the door behind me.

I'm greeted by sisters hugging me and smiling.

My dad, jumps down the stairs. Literally, and yells.

"FAMILY GAME AND MOVIE NIGHT TONIGHT! GET BAKING, FOR JUNK FOOD AND FUN!" I laugh along with my mom who is just shaking her head at my father.

My sisters and I go to the kitchen and start baking. We have a beautiful kitchen, because all of us either love cooking or baking. So we need room for when we're all in here.

"I'll make cakes, brownies, cookies, and Reese's muffins" I say.

My sisters and I end up making cookies, brownies, muffins (normal kind), brownies/cookies muffins, pies all of the kinds of pie, pasta, salads, bread, and smoothies. A ton of food, but every single one of us eats all of it. We're a family who loves eating and everything.

A more explanation of Family movie and game night. Is where at 8 pm Or whenever it gets super dark outside. We watch 3-6 movies in a row, and then play board games after. We usually end up going to sleep at 4 or 5 am. We once even went to sleep at 8 am. We turn all the lights off and get candles out setting them up everywhere. We love doing this kind of stuff. And I always love watching my Mom and Dad act like two teenagers still so deeply in love. And I always wished and hoped I would find love like they did.

*flashback ends*

That night was the last time I had a family movie and game night. Then the fighting began and by that time I got kicked out. I wonder if they still do them? I wonder what it's like at home with one less daughter, sister, best friend. they only lost one, I lost all 6 of my bestest friends I could've ever had. 4 sisters and my loving parents.

Wiping my tears. I drink my water and walking to my bedroom. Taking off my gross sticky clothes from the night before I put on a sports bra and some basketball shorts. Brushing my hair out, I look in the mirror.

What's becoming of Me.Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя