The Beginning of Everything

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*still in meet and greet line. Like four people from the front.*

"You go first Carrie. I'm to nervous." I said shoving her in front of me.

"Well if you insist." She said flipping her hair over her shoulder sarcastically.

Before I knew it Carrie was walking up to Shawn. He greeted her with a hug, they talked a little, posed for a picture, hugged again and she walked away. Carrie was really outgoing and this was like nothing for her. She wasn't awkward around people like me. Knowing myself I'd probably trip on air before I even got to him.

I must of zoned out because I heard Carrie whisper my name. I looked up and Shawn was just staring at me. I couldn't tell if it was a "C'mon what's taking you so long" look or an "I just saw a ghost look" but whatever it was it made me even more nervous than I already was.

I used whatever strength I had left to walk up to him. He pulled me into a big hug and I rest my head on his chest. He was the perfect height for me. We finally disengaged from the hug. It felt like time stopped. But then I heard.

"What's your name, beautiful?"

I looked up like wondering who he was calling beautiful. And then realized I was the only one close enough for him to be talking to. My brain stopped functioning and I just stood there like an idiot.

All I could squeeze out was, "I'm fine."

"What your names fine?" He said with a cute giggle. It almost seemed as if he was as nervous as me.

"Oh, my name..,it's um Alexis." I said as my face reddened and I felt like I was on fire.

"Well it's a pleasure to meet you Alexis, I'm Shawn" he said sticking his hand out for me to shake.

I laughed and felt my nerves ease as I shook his hand. Damn it was so big!

After we posed for a picture he looked like he was thinking really hard and then finally said.

"Are you Alexis Jones?" He said it with a questioning look I couldn't tell if he was confused or constipated.

"Why yes I am." I said with a smile. At first I was thinking how does Shawn flipping Mendes know my last name? And then it hit me...I'm not Alexis Jones the soccer player who has a ton of friends and goes to high school everyday. I'm Alexis Jones the cancer patient who lives in a hospital room and eats hospital food and looks forward to Dance Moms and The Walking Dead. And that's probably why Shawn's being so damn nice to me.

"Are you serious? Wow it's so nice to finally meet you. But you don't look-" he stopped himself. But I'm pretty sure I knew how that sentence ended "you don't look like you have cancer" I didn't know because I'd heard it a lot in fact I've never been told that but I could tell. I mean I didn't look like I had cancer. My face was caked in makeup and I had a flippin wig on.

"Sorry am I not what you were expecting?" I said trying not to show the embarrassment.

"No. It's not that. I mean kind of. But not in a bad way. I mean I don't know. You're just so different than what I pictured."

"Cause I'm not bald wearing a mask and have an oxygen tank glued to my side?" I said with a laugh but his face turned serious. Ooh shit i think I offended him. Oops.

"Oh sorry that's not what I meant I jus-"

I cut him off, "No I was kidding calm down. I'm glad you don't think I look like a cancer patient that's kinda what I was going for. Normal teenage girl."

"Well you succeeded" he said
"You look great."


"Can we move it along?" I heard a girl scream from the crowd. My face instantly reddened I'd been standing here for at least 3 minutes. That's so much longer than an average meet and greet. I saw the annoyed line and tried to walk away to hide the embarrassment and keep the line moving. But Shawn grabbed my arm and I turned.

He said, "I'll see you before the show right Alexis?"

"Sure thing." I said trying not to blush.

He flashed his perfect smile wrapped me in a quick hug and let me go.

I couldn't help but blush.

First of all I just met The Shawn Mendes and second of all he didn't even notice that I had cancer. Before I said my name he thought I was just some random teenage fan.

I finally caught up with Carrie and my mom and Carrie pulled me into a hug.

"Dude you guys were f*cking goals." She said.

"What are you talking about I made a complete fool of myself."

"No it was adorable. He didn't want to let you go."

"Oh stop it your just being dramatic."

"No she's not." My mom said "you guys were so cute. Sweetie I think Shawn has a crush."

"Mom stop it he has to be nice to me. I mean look at me I'm dying of cancer and he knows that."

Shawn's assistant found us and took us to this beautiful room. It had all of the food you could imagine, couches, pretty lights, and soft music playing in the background.

Once we sat down cause I was really tired Carrie wanted to hear every detail about mine and Shawn's conversation.

I told her what I remembered then she asked, "What did he say when he grabbed your arm and whispered in your ear?"

"Oh he just said something like 'I'll see you before the show right'"

"Omg really? What did you say??"

"Um something like ya sounds good. I don't remember. Why?"

"Dude he wants to see you before the show?"

"Ya that's what's I said why does that matter?"

"For one of the smartest people I keno you can be so damn clueless Lex. He wants to "see" you before the show. Dude like get to know you. Hang out. Flirt. How can you not see it? You're so modest."

"Carrie stop." I said blushing.

Hey guys I know it took awhile but hey Shawn finally made an appearance😂 I worked really hard on this chapter and am happy about how it came out. So if you like it then show me by voting for it. Thanks.

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