Getting Ready

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It was all planned out. I was going to Shawn's concert in Boston with my mom and Carrie. We had VIP tickets and backstage passes I couldn't wait.

               *at the mall*

"Ooh this is cute."

"No Carrie that would show to much of my back. And you would see the bruises."

"Oh." She said but I could feel the guilt in her voice.

"But it's ok cause I really like this one."

"Yeah that's cute."

After we checked out from American eagle we stopped at this wig store and they actually had some really cute ones. Instead of getting the prettiest one I found I got the one that looked closest to my old hair. If I was going to meet Shawn I wanted him to see me for me. Or as close to me as possible. I just wanted to be beautiful for one day.

We got our nails done after we ate lunch. And I felt like a normal teenager for the first time in like 5 months. I got my nails done with French tips and Carrie got a bright pink gel. I liked simpler things than her. But that's ok I guess that's why we got along so well.

We went home got dressed and Carrie did my makeup. (My doctors let me out of the hospital for like 4 days cause they said I was pretty stable) I slipped on my new wig (I hadn't worn one since I was Hannah Montana for Halloween when I was 10) I looked in the mirror and almost felt normal.  Even though my whole body ached. I felt really weak but I knew I could be strong for this.

       *at the show in the meet and greet line*

"Dude I'm so excited I can't believe this is happening. Aren't you excited Lex?"

"Oh ya I can't wait."

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing I'm just scared he won't like me."

"Why on Earth would you say that your the most beautiful girl in this entire building."

"Stop it. You know it's not true I'm just another cancer patient who people look at with pitty in their eyes."

"What are you talking about first of all you don't even look like you have cancer and second of all who cares you're still the you you were two years ago and your still my favorite person ever and you're still gonna take Shawn's breath away when he see's you."

"Thanks Carrie. I love you."

"I love you too bitch."

I know I say this like every time but I swear next chapters gonna actually have Shawn so you better be ready😂 anyway hope you enjoyed and get ready it's about a be lit😂 ~Erin

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