43. Meet JillNicolie_ferrz20

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Name: Jill Nicolie B. Ferrer

Nickname: Jill

Age: 14 years old

Gender: Female

Location: Bais City, Neg.Or

Birth Date: September 21, 1999

"Silliness Section"

Favorite Color: Blue, Purple 

Favorite Food: Sweets :* 

Favorite Flower: Probably Tulips 

Favorite Song: RAINBOW by Southboarders 

Favorite Subject: Filipino, Math, Science

"Serious Questions"

1. How did you found wattpad? 

-My friends were really into it. Im not one of them, at first im not really interested but then i knew about it and eventually INLOVE with it.

2. What/Who inspires you to write? 

-My self. My family and friends

3.What can you say about wattpad? The best things and the things you hate about it. 

-Well I love wattpad cause this is somewhere i can be truely express ME. And writing for me is an escape through evreything. When I write i found peace and its such relaxing.

I hate it when there are people out there who would judge you and criticized you.

4. Who are your closest friends in wattpad? 

@diday17 @potato_peepow @-O_o-09 @micahdeocampo

5.What do you want to say to your fans? To your Haters?

Fans- I thank you all for the support and everything. By just reading my works I'm already overwhelmed. Just want you to know i appreciate it. Love ya all

Haters- If there are any, Thanks for hating me. Haters gonna hate.

6. The greatest thing happened to you? 

-Being able to finished my first book, MOVING FORWARD.

7. Your lowest time in life? 

-When people say and think im no good at writing and that wattpad sucks according to them which is not true but its just that it hurt so bad.

8. What is love? 

-Love is something everyone have. They might not know it, but evreybody has love.

9. Ideal Girl/Boy? 

-I want a guy being him just the way he is.

10.Why did you join the CLUB? 

-I know that my skills will be enhanced and that there's so much the club could apply to me. The club itself is simply amazing.

"Special Section"

♥ What kind of person are you? 

-Smart, realistic, im open-minded, not homophobic, approachable girl.

♥ DIFFERENCIATE @JillNicolie_ferrz20 of Jill. 

-There's not much of a difference. Both of them are ambitious but not so much. They write books they wanted to write, they are both kind and not judgemental.

The difference is that in wattpad Jill can express her thoughts and things she wanted to say.

Signed: Jill

Date: 1/26/2014

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