12. Meet pUrpleCottonCandy

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Name: Syrrel Cabiling 

Nickname: Charmae 

Age: 16 


Location: London, Canada 

Birth-date: Dec 07, 1997 

Civil Status: Single.

"Silliness section" 

Favorite Color: Purple 

Favorite Food: Kahit ano basta Food. 

Favorite Flower: Tulips 

Favorite Song: Anything. 

Favorite Subject: Arts


1. How did you found Wattpad?

By my friends 

2. What/Who inspires you to write?

Myself I think? Wahaha, it's myself who inspires me to write. And Ate Denny(HaveYouSeenhisGirl) too :) 

3. What can you say about Wattpad?

It's nice, or shall I say great. 

The best things and things you hate about it:

BEst things, I'd probably say you can publish your OWN stories here, you can make friends, etc. What I hate about it, IDK.  

4. Who are your closest friends in Wattpad?

@agirlinmessyhair @xoPring2x

5. What do you want to say to your fans? To your haters?

I don't know if I have fans. Lol. Well to my close friends, shall I say 'Thanks a lot?' to my haters... 'GodBless your SOULS xD' 

6. The greatest thing happened to you:

When God had given me a chance to live in Canada and be with my mom, and reach my dreams with her :') 

7. Your lowest time in life?

When I'm new in my new school and I'm all alone by myself. 

8. What is love?

When God give the perfect person to us. It also does inspire a lot of people. I mean ALL people. xD 

9. Ideal Girl/Boy?

IDK if I like a blonde guy. xD Depends on who he is. But I don't want a guy with a monster behavior. But honestly, I hope you keep this in secret: A guy with strong sex appeal, but in a cute way. xD 

10. Why did you join the CLUB?

to make CLOSE PEn Friends.



I could be cute and giggly sometimes, Loud and weird, Hot and serious xD HAHA 


My username is PurpleCottonCandy so, I think, CottonCandy is too sweet compared to me. YEah.  

Signed: PurpleCottonCandy 

Date: January 21, 2014

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