40. Meet maycrusade

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Name: Edmhir Capua

Nickname: Imeeh

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Location: Antipolo City, Rizal, Philippines

Birth-date: May 21, 1996

Civil Status: Single

"Silliness section"

Favorite Color: Any shade of violet

Favorite Food: Jollibee burger

Favorite Flower: Chrysanthemum

Favorite Song: Saikou no Kataomi; Heart of Worship

Favorite Subject: English


1. How did you found Wattpad? 

>> Random surf on the internet

2. What/Who inspires you to write? 

>> A few stories here in wattpad and fanfiction.net :)

3. What can you say about Wattpad? The best things and things you hate about it. 

>> Hmm, wattpad is great for aspiring authors and wide readers. It take away my stress and it inspired me to write even though I'm actually a reader. I don't hate anything about wattpad, but I guess some improper user of the website, those who bash others or plagarize other peoples work and ideas.

4. Who are your closest friends in Wattpad? 

>> AbhieClow, I guess ^^ Oh and MickoyTee too. There are many others who are very friendly here.

5. What do you want to say to your fans? To your haters? 

>> Do I have a fan? XD If I did, I just want to say thank you. You inspired me to continue writing.  

To my haters. I don't want to have any. But if I did, I'm very sorry if I did something that made you hate me.

6. The greatest thing happened to you. 

>> The greatest thing that happened to me is when I accepted our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ in my heart. He changed me for the better :)

7. Your lowest time in life? 

>> Lowest time? I guess when I couldn't take my parents expectation making me think of negative thoughts but that was when I was young, I changed now.

8. What is love? 

>> Love is the greatest thing that the Lord had given us. It included sacrifice, faith, loyalty and devotion. There is nothing greater than this gift from our God.

9. Ideal Girl/Boy? 

>> Caring and A servant of the Lord

10. Why did you join the CLUB? 

>> To meet new friends and for me to learn more of the art of writing.



>> An obnoxious kind of person, joyful and full of energy. I'm an Otaku and A proud servant of the Lord.


>> Hmm, she's more polite than me.

Signed: MayCrusade

Date:January 26, 2014

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