11. Meet SmilingCrazy

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Name: Just call me Smile  

Nickname: Ganda. Hoho~ Steph  

Age: 14  

Gender: Female 

Location: Quezon City 

Birth-date: April 2. 

Civil Status: Single 

"Silliness section" 

Favorite Color: Red and Blue combined (Purple, Lavender & Violet) 

Favorite Food: French Frieeess all the waaay. 

Favorite Flower: Two Lips I mean Tulips <3 

Favorite Song: Too many to mention but one of the best of them is Who am I? by Casting Crowns 

Favorite Subject: Art. But when it comes to academics, Science siguro  


1. How did you found Wattpad?

It was introduced by my female friends and classmates who are addicted to Wattpad. 

2. What/Who inspires you to write?

Him. LOL. The experience of other people and mine also. 

3. What can you say about Wattpad? The best things and things you hate about it.

Wattpad is the best! It connects readers and writers online. It's free and very convenient. You can express anything you feel . But the one thing I hate about wattpad is the Meebo was gone  

4. Who are your closest friends in Wattpad?

Tooooo many to mention.. 

5. What do you want to say to your fans? To your haters?

Kung meron man, Hi! Thank you at smile lang lagi :) Sa haters naman, don'judge if you don't want to be judge. 

6. The greatest thing happened to you.

As for now, been a K-Popper and A Certified Wattpad Lover :) 

7. Your lowest time in life?

Not specific. When I feel betrayed and left. 

8. What is love?

Love is something selfless, full of sacrifices and read 1 Corinthians 13:4-7.

9. Ideal Girl/Boy?

Someone who won't judge you by your looks and mistakes. Someone who would accept you for the whole you, your flaws, family backgrounds, religion and all. And someone who is contented to your unconditional love. 

10. Why did you join the CLUB?

To gain more friends I mean a lot of friends and because I'm an aspiring writer  



The one who smiles everyday coz tomorrow is another day. Haha! Very happy and friendly. And maybe this quote is for me, "Sometimes, the saddest person is the one who laugh the most" Positive outlook in life and Still Happy. Haha!  And take note, hindi ako englishera ha? Banana lang. Nagpeepeeling. Tsaka hindi ako ganito kaformal magsalita tulad nung mga sagot ko sa taas. Feeling ko kasi sumasagot ako ng essay XD 


Very similar. But triple the noise and fun (Haha!) when you meet me in personal. Mahilig akong tumawa in short palatawa akong tao pero I can't show it here kasi alangan namang yung mga reply ko puro 'HAHAHAHA' and sometimes we can't say kung tumatawa ba sila or trip lang nilang pindutin ang H at A alternately. 

Signed: *SmilingCrazy* Don"t forget to Smile 

Date: January 21, 2014

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