Chapter 7 - Welcome to my world

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hey guys sorry for the late update been busy with school and what not plus trying to decide my future since I have only 3 years left :D anyway this chapter contain sexual stuff so young readers be mindful ;) I set the chapter like this because well I wanted to see what you guys thought of it so yeah. if you get confused let me know in the comments and I'll clarify

They were both in Kyal's room, since they were going to a place that only one of them knew, Lola was helping him out saying what the weather would be like this time of year but then, even weather isn't predictable.

"take mostly t-shirt and shorts" she kept telling him, "take some warm clothes as well."

"but you said that Australia was really hot in summer" he told her remembering a previous conversation,

"it is but every now and then it get coolish" she bounced back. "And because I know what I'm talking about so hurry up" she hurried him eager to get home, that was until he turned around. "Welcome to my world" she said to him remarking the weather in Australia and in her words how messed up New Zealand wether was.

"we should talk about what happened." he told her. She knew this would happen ever since they stopped she knew there would be a talk.

"I know," she admitted, "but who starts." There was a long silence between them while he packed, it seemed a while before either of them asked or said anything. "why did you want to try it?" she eventually asked while he froze to think his words.

"because... because I have started to like you" he eventually told her. They looked at each other for a while, longer this time.

"when did this start?" she eventually asked,

" a while ago" was all he said then went back to him packing. He knew what to pack based on what he told her, this left her with a very confused mind. what did he mean 'a while ago'? she kept asking herself. As more and more clothes went into his suitcase she started to wonder about random things, particularly how Lilly and Chase were doing. Eventually she started to day dream not hearing Kyal call her name.

"what?" she vaguely asked coming out of her daze,

"I said that I wasn't completely honest with you earlier.... I said that I liked you but..." he didn't go on because he was shocked with Lola kissing him. She was shocked that she had even done it. Her hands slid up his shirt making him moan and soon it was off. She pushed him onto his bed with her straddling him. They never stopped kissing while his hands were going up her shirt cupping a breast before removing the shirt all together..........

"LOLA!" the shout had brought her out of her day dream. She shook her head then looked at Kyal who was standing by the door, not on his bed with her underneath him. Fuck this shit she thought, "I said your phone is ringing."

"Oh" was all that she could say, getting up ignoring her temporarily blindness and dizziness from the head rush, she walked through the house into where she left to find her phone, just to find out that it hadn't run at all. "Liar" she said turning around only to be greeted by Kyal's lips crashing into hers,  she hooked her hands around his neck before he picked her up by her ass and started walking back to his room not once stop the kiss. He leaned down until her back was again his bed. He was on top of her never breaking what he started and took off her top, she ran her hand underneath his shirt and took it off. He started with her pants before he heard her moan, that's it he thought and undid the zip and button of her shorts and taking them off, he broke the kiss to eye her. She was in only her black underwear and bra and him in his shorts and boxers. Lola once again wrapped her hands around his neck pulling him to her and she undid his shorts taking them off and his boxers. She arched her back letting him undo her bra and taking it off, His lips left her and went to her breast when she stroked his length causing both of them to moan. He continued to move his mouth on her while she turned them over, she made her way down and brush her core against his length making him grip the bed sheets. He turned them over and looked at her with soulful eyes and started to enter her. His lips found her again while he continues his thrusts so she got adjusted, once she had he continued to push himself further and further into her. 

She moaned his name before his mouth found her breast again and moved his tongue and mouth over her breast. Oh god she though feeling her climax coming. Before she did he stopped and looked into her eyes,

"I love you and always have" and that made her go over the edge............

"KYAL!" Lola shouted, she was on his bed fully clothed and he was by his wardrobe holding 2 t-shirts, both his. "I said take a few pair of jeans, if you have any, and a few long sleeve shirts just in case its cold." she yelled at him and walked out of the room Well fuck this shit he thought doing as she said and put a few jeans and long shirts into his suitcase, followed by his bathroom stuff and anything else he needed, shaking his head of what he had just thought of he left his room to seek out his best friend who was in the lounge room watching TV getting frustrated at the differences in channels.

"You want something to eat?" he asked her and she nodded,

"have you got any cartoons?" she asked and gave him the remote, once she was satisfied with the movie Batman: Forever he went into the kitchen to make a snack fit for both of them remembering her nut allergy and walked back into the lounge room ignoring her comment that Van Kilmer was hot, not that she had seen him in anything else.

While she was watching the movie he wondered why had he seen what he did. Lola wondered why was he in her daydream, both of them oblivious to what the other was thinking they continued to watch the movie, with Lola falling asleep under Kyal's arm and its not even dinner yet he amusedly thought to himself and finished the movie without her.

 for those with questions, yes being allergic to nuts is real, it is possible for this to happen trust me I no. I chose Batman: forever because I love the movie and Val Kilmer is awesome in it :D so yeah anyone confused write you concerns in the comments and I will let everyone know what was going on in my head basically the stuff in italics is in Lola's head and the stuff in bold is in Kyal's head, I got feedback from a friend that's reading this and she got confused so yeah.

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