Come and find me

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The reason I wrote this is because it kind of like an assignment I’m doing except this I have extended and changed the names. I finished the assignment write up there’s just a lot more to deal with. I basically did the assignment the uploaded what I had written for that then edited it so yeah. if you wish to know how i got the idea message me and i'll will tell you then. it’s in two parts, one is based around Lola’s life and the other around Kyal but that all I’m going to say, it is going to take a while for me to update because the only time i seem to think of stuff to write is when I’m about to fall asleep. no more talking, you read and see what it's like. also i didn't really know what category to put it under so short story and teen fiction are the best i got. I will be going through the story and updating it and adding things to it so if you read something new that's why.

It was dark outside; the only light was the one that came from her room. Lola sat on the floor of her room wondering what to do; she felt her life was a mess, it felt like a mess really. Her dark brown eyes looked like they were they were going to burst. They were full of anger and worry and she knew it, she had a right to after what Rose and Hayley said...

3 hours earlier...

The view from her classroom window was amazing, the sun was out and there was not a cloud in the sky. She waited for her results back from her science assignment, it seemed to take forever. Lola could hear the conversations around her; some were about music others about movies but one stood out the best. It was about her. From the back of the room, Hayley and Rose were talking about her.  She managed to pick up words and phrases like, “slut” before she actually picked up the full conversation.

“There’s no way a guy that cute would choose to be her friend, she doesn’t even deserve him. What’s his name?”

“I read it was Kyal but last name I don’t remember, he’d defiantly not in the country some place like New Zealand I think” Hayley replied,

 “Well, if she thinks she can get a guy like that to go with her to the dance think again, first time I see him he’s mine. No way I’m going to get a bitch like that walk into our night with the perfect dress and guy” Rose exclaimed as the whole class was talking so it didn’t matter what she said, she wouldn’t be caught. Her heart sank. They were talking about her friend Kyal, she knew she had to warn him but he was studying for the next 2 weeks. She had to find a  way to get his attention without making it too obvious to Hayley, Rose and him. She caught up on the last part just before the bell rang.

“So how did you find out about him anyway?” Rose asked Hayley

“I had Rick hack into her computer for me, he says it was tough she had a good system with viruses and stuff plus all her sites are password locked so yeah. He managed it for a reasonable price if you know what I mean.” And she did. Hayley slept with Rick just so he could hack her computer. By this point Lola was officially pissed off but she didn’t let her best friends, Lily and Chase find out or they would hound her all day until her fessed up, for now she kept it to herself.

When the bell ran, Lola raced for the door and all the way home, completely forgetting about her assignment.

Her parents were at work so she had the house to herself for the next few hours, she sat in her room eventually forgetting how long she was in there. She was anxious; her parents couldn't help her because they were busy with their work. Her sisters were busy with their lives to care about her. So there she sat in her room. Lola didn't care if her parents were home, the really never were. She had her plan into motion, text Kyal to panic him and say she going to him, make him really panicked with the truth, beat Hayley and Rose so they know they can’t take her best friend away from her by sleeping with another guy. If she told him straight away then he would still come to her like they had planned years ago so and he wasn’t going to be online chatting but studying instead. This was the only way

Iit like the world never gave a damn about her anyway, Obviously Hayley and Rose wanted her to get away and never come back so now Lola is just granting their wish half way. Her phone abruptly went of scaring her. She went to see who it was from and found it was from her best friend Lilly. Hey, heard you rushed home, you ok? It read, knowing what she would say if she told her the truth she wrote I’m fine, see you tomorrow. it was half-truth, On the outside she was fine but on the inside she had been crying for the past 3 hours.

Grabbing her phone again she selected a different contact and typed a message. she pushed open her window and climbed down the side of the house, once she had gotten to the bottom she saw if anyone had seen her then ran for it, her phone in her pocket on the already sent message to her other best friend Kyal: hey, don’t think bad of me when you see this but my life is really hard right now, I know you told me that I shouldn't but I don't know what else to do. I’m running away maybe to New Zealand right now I don't know, I just need to get away from here. Deciding whether she was going to regret this decision she read the time, 1:00, without realizing it she skipped school. Mentally screaming she sent her message and ran for her life to protect the one thing she had hope for. Kyal.

Fisrt Chapter up and by the way i'm thinking finished. now that i'm on holidays i have time to go back through the chapters and edit them so yeah happy me. hope yous enjoy the rest of the story.

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