Chapter 5 - Fess up now!

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Kyal sat there for a little while longer before getting up and moving to the kitchen, he got himself a drink before his brother walked in through the door.

"That's her on the couch isn't it?" he asked his younger brother,

"yes it is Chris, she passed out while running from me so I brought her here" he explained,

"did you ask why she was running?" Chris asked him

"no I haven't yet, she hasn't woken up yet," he stated "she had this in her hand" he said while pushing the pocket knife across the counter, "she took it from dad while he brought her over here, then she ran for the beach and waited for me, she threw it at my feet and while I was picking it up she made a run for it." Kyal explained.

"why was she here?" Chris asked,

"I don't know, dad does but she said that it was for her to say not-" he was interrupted by a scream coming from the lounge. Both him and his brother darted in the room to find that the angel had woken, she was looking at her chest and stomach franticly searching for something.

Chris moved closer towards Kyal "I'll get her some water" he whispered, Kyal nodded in agreement before turning his attention back to the girl on his couch, she searched the room with big eyes, her face turning as she searched, she found where he was standing and screamed again. He realised that he was in  the shadows and stepped out of them.

"Take it easy, Lola" he reassured her," your in a safe place now, I'm not going to hurt you" he tried to reason with her, his next step was to ask her why she was here but by the look on her face, she wasn't in a talking mood. He sat next to her and wondered what got her so worked up, a few moments later Chris came in with a glass of water.

"thank you," her shaky little voice said as she took the water and sipped it slowly. Kyal wrapped a blanket around her to try and stop her from shaking. whatever she was dreaming got her worked up pretty good he thought to himself. He watched as she drank the water then place it on the table next to her. Her face returned to being blank while fear was written all over her eyes. "where am I?" she asked after many minutes of silence.

"My house" he told her, "Lola why did you scream?" he asked her trying to find out what got her so worked up.

"I.." she started before fear started to show itself on her face. Before long she was crying in fear and looking to Kyal for comfort, she buried her face into his shoulder while he rubbed her back,

"it's ok, I'm here" he reassured her which made he cry harder, this wasn't the face of a girl that wanted help, it was that of one that needed help. "what were you dreaming?" she raised her head and looked at me, "its ok, whatever it is, no one is going to hurt you" I told her.

"ok but its going to take a while"

"that's fine. Start from where you need to" Kyal told her eyeing his brother that we needed time alone for a while, he nodded and left the room leaving Kyal, Lola and whatever was on her mind. As she started telling him the dream, her voice and face were calm in a way, as she got deeper into it, her body started to shake, then her voice at the end of it.

"and that's why I screamed." she finished having trouble finding her voice. Kyal knew he should but he chose his next question carefully not wanting to alarm her,

"Lola, why did you come to New Zealand." he asked her. She looked at him as though she knew this was coming.

"well because... you'd think its stupid" she told him,

"I would think so just tell me"

"ok, well in science the other day I heard these girls, Hayley and Rose, talk about you," she paused wondering if she should continue, Kyal nodded knowing if she stopped then she would never continue. "Hayley had this guy, Rick, hack into my computer just to find out about you"

"Rick would be a geek wouldn't he,"


"the how did she do it?" he asked her

"She slept with him," she told him. Kyal eyes widened as he heard this, "that's not all," of course its not Kyal nodded for her to finish. "She said that the first time that she sees you, she would make you take her to the school dance and not me."

"why would she think that?" he asked her,

"because she thinks that you like me, more then a friend" she told him. It was true, Kyal saw Lola as more then a friend, but he never told her, over and over he wished he could but he couldn't. Long distance relationships never worked. He never told her so she wouldn't be hurt when he was there then left.

Kyal was taken out of his thought with a question that he didn't hear. "What?" he asked

"do you like me more then a friend?" she repeated. She had asked him many times but he had to lie because for her safety but now that she was here he didn't know what to say. Lola waited for his answer patiently while Kyal thought about his answer. Should he tell her or shouldn't he but he did what is mind told him.

"yes but not majorly" he finally told her, he felt her gasp. She lifted her head from his shoulder to look at him in the eye.

"really?" she wasn't in the mood to be messed with, she wanted a straight answer. before he could speak, Kyal felt Lola shudder, she looked at him with wide eyes and pain in her eyes. "Kyal?"

"yeah?" he asked her, wondering what happened.

"Someone shot me" she told him and collapsed in his arms, she moved her so he could see where the bullet entered her, in her back by a pistol, that much he knew. all that mattered to him was keeping his friend alive and well. He took her to his mum who got the bullet out and stopped the bleeding. Kyal wanted to ask her something but with the bullet and stuff he didn't have a chance. Now he had to wait for her to wake up again.


Later on in the night she did wake up, they were sitting down watching T.V, Lola fascinated by what was on, Kyal had thought all day about when he was going to ask her. during one of the commercials he saw that she lost interest so now was the time.

"Lola is it ok if I tried something?" he asked her wanting to know if she would let him,

"yeah sure, she said looking at the T.V. Kyal moved his hand to the side of her face, turning it so she was looking at him, they looked into each others eyes before Kyal slowly moved his face closer to hers, the closer it got the more he wondered what would happen. Finally their for heads touched sending sparks through Kyal's body, he then moved his lips closer to hers before they touched. Kyal started kissing Lola and to him it felt ok, before she deepened the kiss by kissing him back. it started off softly before he broke away. Kyal looked at his friend and she looked back at him. He stared kissing her again but this time she didn't hesitate, she deepened almost immediately wrapping her arms around his neck, Kyal then lifted her by her but and carefully without walking into anything or dropping her, walked into his room.

Ta Da! I have edited all of the chapters now I know what I'm doing and now working on the rest. my goal is to finish this story before school starts again which is in a few weeks. so yeah I no people probably think they don't but I feel like they do so yeah. pre warning 2 Chapters away is  X rated so read at your own risk. all the naughty and dirty stuff ill put in bold and give a warning at the start as a warning.

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