Chapter 7: Memories are back? maybe not! Part 1

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~~Heya guys... Sorry for a really really really late update. Please forgive me... Anyways, here it is. Have fun!~~

Blake's POV

"The White Fang tricked me!?!? They experimented at me then tricked me!?!?" Blake said as she cried on Yang's shoulders.

"Well, that's one of the cliche plots to every genres." Yang said teasingly. "I gotta admit, I was kinda freaked out at first. I mean, weren't you lovers before?"

"Please somebody tell me again why we're here?" Weiss interrupted.

Red walked towards Blake while carrying a helmet with cords connected to Ozpin's Staff.

"It's here. Last time I used this staff is when I fought Salem." Red said while giving the helmet.

Blake wears the helmet. Ironwood activated the helmet while Ozpin activated the power of his staff.

"I'll inform if there's any problem." General Ironwood said.

"Be careful Miss Belladdonna." Ozpin said. A light suddenly shines. Blake fell asleep.

"Please somebody tell me what's going on!!!!?!!?!?" Weiss said.


The trio went to Weiss' house. They saw Velvet and Sarge Coco taking care of their children.

"Excuse me guys, but did you see Ruby here?" Weiss asked.

"She's upstairs." Velvet answered.

Weiss ran towards Ruby's room. As she opened the door, she suddenly got kissed by a scarecrow.

"You.... You dunce!!!" Weiss yelled while shooting Ruby. "I thought it was you."

"Honey, what was that for? You're trying to kill you wife?" Red made a puppy look. "Don't you love me?"

*kicked in the face

"Don't give me that look! Besides, you have fast healing ability." Weiss said. "I can shoot you anytime but you'll still heal."

"I know..... But I can feel the pain you know!!" Ruby said.

Blake went to Whitley, studying for his exams.

"Whatcha doin little buddy?" Blake said. She looked at the equation. "That's wrong by the way. It must be √5."

"Thanks Auntie Blake!!!" Whitley replied with a smile.

"A-auntie.... Blake?" Blake said.

"I told them about you Blake." Yang said.

"Auntie Yang told us that you were gone away. Where did you go?" April steps in.


"She's on a vacation. Your Auntie Blake needed some rest after the war you know." Yang interrupted.

Ruby, dressed as Red, went downstairs. She walked towards Blake with a killing intent. When she got close to Blake, she hugs her then whispered. "There's a way for you to remember us."

"Huh? By your looks a second ago, I thought you're trying to kill her." Yang said.

"If I kill her then you'll kill me. I still want to live my life you know!" Ruby replied.

"So you're not mad at me?" Blake said.

"Why would I be? We all know Adam made something with your brain to have an amnesia." Ruby replied. "So, Weiss said you want to see Ozpin?"

"Yeah. We need to stop White Fang's global domination." Blake said.

"Global? Oh no! The machines from Atlas!" Ruby said.

"Let's go to Ozpin's office, now!" Yang said.

The trio immediately ran towards Yang's bike. Red went back at the house.

"You go on ahead. I forgot two things at my room, I'll catch up!" Red said.

Yang started the engine then drive through the road. Tgry saw White Fang members at every corner while they are speeding off.

"They really succeded." Blake said in a low tone voice.

"Don't worry, we'll figure something out." Yang said.

TIMESKIP (At Ozpin's office):

"Yo guys! you're late!" Red said.

"I thought you said you forgot something." Yang said.

"I did forget something! And someone." Red replied.

"Oh, Weiss." Yang said.

"Hey!!" Weiss shouted. "Anyways, while we're on the way here, we fought some of them. It seems that they stole Atlas' machinery to create androids."

"That's why I'm here, to take it back!" Ironwood said.

"General Ironwood?" Yang said. "Who's leading the military?"

"Qrow and Winter. I kinda don't like the plan on leaving the army on them at first, but they know what they're doing." Ironwood replied.

"How about Mistral?" Yang asked.

"Chief Vasilias gathered his Task Force then headed their immediately after the breakdown phenomenon." Ironwood replied.

"And Vacuo is in the good hands of Task Force JNPR." Ozpin steps in. "Welcome back Ms. Belladonna."

"You know she don't recognize you right?" Red said.

"Yes, I know. To stop this event from ending our kingdoms, we need you to remember all the things you've forgotten." Ozpin said.

"How do we do that?" Blake said.

"Ironwood and Mrs. RoseSchnee invented a helmet while you two were away. It is connected to the power of my staff." Ozpin replied.


"That's a long flashback huh Ruby?" Weiss said.

"Well, that's what we did this day." Ruby replied. "By the way, what is she seeing in there anyway?"

"All of the things she forgotten." Ozpin replied.

Suddenly, White Fang members broke through the door and started attacking.

"Already?" Yang said.

They saw Adam Taurus pulling the trigger to Blake. Yang deflected the bullet with her Ember Celica. Ruby and Weiss took care of the others.

"Aren't you gonna help you two?" Red said.

"I can't fight while doing this." Ironwood replied.

"Same here." Ozpin said.

"Well, that makes sense." Red said.

Red and Weiss continue handling the White Fang by themselves while Yang is fighting Adam. Adam swing his blade at Yang's neck. Suddenly, Yang blocked it then uppercuts Adam.

"You're not gonna kill her." Yang said. "Not on my watch!!!"

Yang did a dempsey roll at Adam. Adam evaded the two punches. When the third punch is heading through Adam's jaw, Adam sliced Yang's left arm.



"Don't come near here Ruby."

"Ruby don't!!!"

Adam attempted to pierce Yang, Ruby stepped in and took the hit. Weiss just sobbed while watching her love one die.

"Oh, how unfortunate." Adam said. "Now it's your turn Ms. Xiao Long."

When Adam was about to strike, a bullet was inside him in a fraction of a second. Then a whip started to surrounds him.

"So, you're next my love?"

"I'm not gonna let you hurt her."

~~Hey, ciffhanger. hahahahaha Anyways, stay tuned. WhiteRose11Z~~

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