Chapter 5: On the Same Side

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Hello again folks! I am so PUMPED to be moving on with the story!

~Zira P.O.V~

"Hey, wake up!" said a voice.

I could barely register the words in my mind, but I was too out of it to react or respond.

"Wake up!"

Then I felt my body being shaken lightly. I gasped and woke up instantly. I sat up just as quickly, startling Levi, who stumbled back a short distance. Since he was still in my cabin, I assumed that I hadn't been incapacitated for long.

"I would have thought you'd try to kill me while I was unconscious." I said as I stood, brushing the dust off my sleeves.

He snorted slightly while crossing his arms.

"Apparently we got off on the wrong foot."

"Is that so?" I stated, glancing up at him momentarily and raising an eyebrow.

Then I walked across the room toward my small desk and started sifting through various papers. I could feel his gaze on me as I continued my search.

"Yeah, that's so. You probably thought I was some barbaric rogue set on destroying innocent lives, while I thought you were a psychopathic, hot-headed, sorceress."

I grinned slightly at his description, finding amusement in his words.

"Besides, how was I supposed to know you were a Guardian?"

"I roared at you." I replied as I started opening the various drawers.

Levi was silent for a moment and I knew he had rolled his eyes at my response. He stood for a moment, just watching me grow more frustrated since I could not find what I was looking for.

"Is it your gift?" he asked.

I stiffened and immediately stopped sifting through the endless papers.

"My what?" I turned to look at him and furrowed my eyebrows.

"I heard that the werecat guardians each have a gift. Is yours your magic?"

I hesitated slightly before recomposing myself and turning back toward the desk.


We were both silent again. Suddenly, in frustration, I growled and stomped my foot on the floor so hard, that it caused some of the wooden beams to crack.

"Where the HECK did I put the---oh."

I noticed that the map I was searching for was on the dresser. I groaned and wiped my hand down my face at my own stupidity. I hastily grabbed it and started using a sharpie to mark directions. The werewolf was intrigued at my actions and drew closer to me to see what I was doing.

"I'm assuming that the moon goddess talked with you as well." I said while still focused on the map.

"Oh yeah. Let's just say, I....disagree with her methods." He growled.

It was clear Levi was disgruntled about being forced to stay away from his mate.

"That makes two of us." I muttered.

'Three!' chirped Rayne.

'We're the same person silly!' I laughed at her.

'Ugh, fine. Two and a half.'

When I finally finished with the map, I handed it to Levi so he could see it better.

"So, we're here in Washington, and the Royal Pack is in a remote area of Colorado. I've marked out the best route for you to take, so just don't get lost."

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