❁ The Fights ❁

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"Ready for the fights?!" Gai says. I say, "Yes of course I am... But one question. Am I going to get breaks in between fights? Your girl's gotta eat." A few of us laugh. Asuma says, "Of course you will." I say, "Thank you. I'm ready now." He says, "Ok team 7 first then 8 then 10 then Gai. Got it?" I say, "Yup. Ok, let's go." A deep, monotone voice from behind me says, "Try not to actually hurt her. Because this is nothing more than a spar." Everyone nods but looks kind of shocked. No one thought Shino would say something like that. "Thanks, Shino. But I think I can handle myself." I say, mentally rolling my eyes. He just nods and steps back. "Ok team 7 I'm ready." Sakura says, "Me, then, Naruto then, Sasuke, and Kakashi-sensei." I say, "Bring it on." I giggle.

Sakura and I get into formation in the middle of the training grounds and she starts running about to throw a punch as I swiftly dodge it right before the impact which makes me behind her as she isn't looking. During those two seconds in which she isn't looking, I punch her back making her cough up blood. "I'm sorry!" I say quickly, feeling bad. Gai says, "Fight's over I think. How 'bout you Kakashi?" The gray-haired man just gives a nod. I say, "Alright! I did it! Good job Sakura you're fast." She says, "Thanks."

Naruto says, "My turn now! Believe it!" I laugh and get in formation. The last fight was so quick I didn't need to rest. He starts coming at me and yells, "Shadow Clone Jutsu!" 7 more Narutos appear and surround me. I have my blood shape into something with a point within me and puncture my skin, but it doesn't hurt. I've adapted to it. The blood that seeps out of my body turns into a few shurikens that are almost impenetrable, however, I make it so it won't hurt Naruto. I throw the shuriken towards the clones and they poof and disappear. Naruto does the Jutsu again and one comes under me a kicks me into the air. He yells, "Uzumaki barrage!" And kicks me from above and Shino runs below me and grabs me right before I hit the ground. "Naruto, what did I tell you!" A slight amount of anger in his voice. I look up at Shino and say, unintentionally coldly, "Thanks. But I can handle myself." He says, "It's my duty to keep you safe." I look at him oddly then push myself up to get some water.

"Ok, Sasuke I'm ready," I say. He gets up lazily and says, "let's get this over with." I say, "You're a bit of a duckbutt, you know?" He blows his hair out of his face. We get in our fighting positions. He kicks but I catch it and twist his leg so I have control over it. He tries to punch me but he's behind me so it doesn't work. I grab his foot with both hands and slam him on the ground. "I won, duckass." He says, "I may have underestimated you." I grab some water and continue. "Alright next fight, I guess," I say.

Kakashi takes his face out of his book. "Alright." We get ready to battle. He starts off by kicking and punching which I dodge and then one comes so close to my face but I back away slightly and grab the copy ninja's leg. He says, "You're pretty good." And gets out of my grip with ease. I groan. I make a shuriken out of blood and throw it slightly to the left of him. He looks at it and I throw one towards his right arm. He dodges it. I grunt as he disappears then reappears behind me. He puts a "defeated" sticker on my back and says, "I didn't want to stab you with my kunai so I did this instead." I say, "Thanks, Kakashi-sensei." He gives a closed-eyed smile with his one visible eye.

I get a few minutes for break and I drink some water and have another rice ball.

"Ok, I'm ready for team 8 now." Hinata says, "um Tat-tat-suko I-I c-can g-go f-first." I say, "Ok!" She says, "byakugun!" And veins appear around her eyes. "Hm?" I say. I look to Shino and he stares emotionlessly, wondering if I'll figure out her blind spot. I say, "let's go!" She gets in a fighting stance and so do I. She says "8 trigrams 16 palms." She almost hits me but only because of my incredible speed, I was able to dodge it. She says, "32 palms." And hits me once at a certain point. When she hit me I basically lost all of my chakra and energy. "Tat-tat-Tatsuko, I-I'm s-so s-sorry." She says. I say, "it was fun fighting with you Hinata. You're very good." She says, "R-really? You t-think that?" "Yes, Hinata." She seems genuinely surprised that I said this. I take a bit longer to recover from that one.

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