Chapter Twenty-Four

Start from the beginning

"Ives Fay," the middle-aged woman mumbled to herself as she skimmed the list of names. Ives recognized her as a teacher, but he had no idea what she taught or what her name was. "Ah, there you are. And your guest... Is that supposed to be 'Tammy'?"

"Tomi," Ives corrected.

She looked confused, then glanced at Tomi. "'Toe-me'?" she pronounced slowly. "What kind of name is that?"

Tomi shrugged. "Japanese or something. My parents found it in a book and liked the way it sounded. And yeah, I've heard every joke there is."

The teacher just nodded. "Well, enjoy the dance," she told them with a smile.

"'Tammy'?" Tomi grumbled. "Seriously? Usually people think it's 'Tommy'."

"She's clearly not able to think outside the box," Ives replied.

As soon as they entered the dimly-lit, streamer-strewn gym, Mark Salazar appeared with a blond girl in a tiny red dress of questionable appropriateness who Ives vaguely recognized as Sally Zoller. "Hey, Ives," he said with a smile.

"Hey. This is Tomi," he introduced.

Mark held out his hand. "Mark. Ives and I are on the archery team together."

Tomi let go of Ives' hand to shake Mark's. "I know. Nice to meet you."

Mark's date held out her hand next. "Sally Zoller. Not on the archery team, but you two boys are just so fucking hot together!"

"Uh... thanks," Tomi replied, shaking her hand hesitantly.

"So, are you guys coming to the after party?" Mark questioned.

Ives looked at Tomi, who shrugged. "Why not?" Tomi replied.

"Sure, we'll come," Ives told Mark with a shrug.

Mark grinned. "Awesome."

As he walked away with his date, Ives found a place to lean against the padded gym wall. He had a feeling that the night was going to be a long one, but with Tomi there with him he was sure it wouldn't seem so bad.

"Text your parents," he reminded Tomi.

Tomi took his phone out of his pocket. "Yes sir."

Ives smiled. "Good kid. You deserve a sticker," he said, which got him a smirk.

"They call that dancing?" Tomi asked after a few minutes of watching other people dancing to the blasting pop music. "I'm pretty sure they'd call it sex if their clothes were off."

Ives snorted. "I'm sure you're right. See why dancing isn't my thing?"

Tomi moved a bit closer. "Because sex isn't your thing?" he suggested.

Ives pulled Tomi tightly against him, making Tomi squeak in surprise. With Tomi's back against him, Ives did his best to kiss Tomi's neck, battling against Tomi's jacket collar. "Maybe you'll find out sometime," he teased.

"I should smack you," Tomi replied, but he adjusted his jacket and tilted his head so Ives could get at his neck more easily.

"Huh, I don't know if I'm into that," Ives said thoughtfully, against Tomi's neck.

Tomi smacked him – halfheartedly, on one of the arms holding him. "You're a loser," he stated.

"I know," Ives joked. "But you love me."

"True." Tomi turned around in Ives arms, put his hands behind Ives' neck, and kissed him. Ives kissed him back without a second thought, just happy to have Tomi there with him.

Meant to be Broken [boyxboy] [Watty Awards 2012]Where stories live. Discover now