I pick out a pair of white cropped skinny jeans and a blue sheer shirt. With a tank top in hand, I head into my bathroom to get dressed. Well pleased, I straighten my hair which takes about an hour. My hair may be short but it is definitely thick. I spend a good half an hour putting my makeup on. Light blue eyeshadow and rosy lipstick complete it and I walk out of the bathroom with one last glance at the mirror.

I get my peacoat out of the front closet and go back into my room, ignoring the loud music blasting from Alex's room. I'm so done with her, she has been rude and unable to understand things lately. She was the only person I knew at the time of my first tour so I just categorized her as a friend. We never really did friend things. Sure, we would go shopping and dinner together but that was more for the sake of carpooling, not a sign of friendship.

I want to move out.

I've never enjoyed living in the heart of the city, the loudness and brightness never dims.

The city never sleeps.

After a couple of hours scrolling through tumblr, I hear my phone vibrate. Sliding off my bed, I read the message and quickly put my peacoat on. I slip on my cream colored heels and whip the door open.

"I'm going out!" I scream as I slam the door shut. The take the stairs by two and arrive at the lobby door in no time.

Scanning the sidewalk, I spot a tall lad looking at his phone, possibly sending me another message. My phone vibrates and I answer it.

"Hello?" I say calmly.

"Hey, erm, I think I'm here. I'm not entirely sure. I've never had a proper geography lesson."

"Geography?" I chuckle.

"Well, turn to your left, do you see me?" I ask and I watch him as he turns, confusion across his features until he spots me. He abruptly hangs up.

"You hung up on me!" I say pointedly and he laughs- really loud.

"People are staring." I tell him and he just smiles broadly.

"So where's your car?" I ask him, remembering the tungsten Charger he drove.

He looks around for a moment before saying, "I must've misplaced it."

"You didn't drive?" I ask, raising my eyebrows.

"My hotel is only a few blocks." He answers.

I nod before tugging my coat tightly around my torso. The wind whips around my hair and I wonder if we will see any snow tonight? I still cant believe the weather this year.

"Let's get going, the restaurant is only two blocks."

"Alrighty." I answer, chilled to the bone. Being Jenna, I don't let him know that I'm freezing.

"So what did you do today?" Harry asks, trying to start a conversation.

"I did pretty much nothing. I showered then got the mail- thank you again for the present- then I got ready and went on tumblr." I say.

"Well, you should be proud of me because I jogged two miles today. I was originally going to be one but I got lost." His mouth turns up at the last part and I laugh shortly.

"What do you mean, how did you get lost in New York City?" I ask sarcastically.

He smiles and continues walking.

Only a few people have stopped to gaze at us and I'm thankful for that. At least we won't be mobbed or anything.

"We should probably get going faster before you freeze your ass off." Harry says.

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