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"Do you have a crush on him?"

I remembered everything then, the tears I hid when mom and dad fought until the house lost its gravity.

But the warmth of his hand keeps mine from trembling

I remembered dad tracing raindrops on mom's stained face like dad always did on the window surface.

But he crumbles when I cry

I remembered when he left and I remembered feeling hungry like the monsters from inside was eating everything that was left of me.

But the monsters are silent when he's around

I remembered mom's dark circles at three in the morning counting dollars.

But at night he asked me to count the stars until I fall asleep

I remembered when she told me "don't mess with boys who have sickeningly sweet smiles. Don't mess with boys at all"

But his smile makes me want to turn off the sun.

So no I don't have a crush.

But I do and I'm scared.

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------AUTHOR'S NOTE: OKAY so this is a prose but whatever it's still short and it still tells a story.                                                 Well, hopefully.

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