[Chapter Fifty Eight]

Start from the beginning

The dwarf tried to get Azog from behind but the orc looked to side and swung his rock with great force and Thorin fell onto the ice. He quickly got back on his feet and back away towards the edge as he slams his rock down at Thorin, missing him once again. Thorin suddenly loses his balance and nearly falls over the edge. He gets back up, only for Azog to change tactics and he knocks him off his feet. The pale orc lets out a roar as he attempts to slam his block and crush him. Thorin roles out of the way and tries to get back up, but Azog swings his block at him again, forcing him to roll out of the way again. The dwarf could tell his enemy was slowing down from exhaustion. Thorin saw this has his only chance to get out of his predicament and he pushed through his own exhaustion and quickly got up when Azog went to attempt to swing the rock again. Thorin managed to slice through his armor and got behind him as he tries to catch his breath. The pale orc growls in fury and with all his might, the vile orc swings as hard as he could at Thorin making him stumble backwards with the block stuck in the ice. Azog try's to yank his rock out of the sheet of ice and growls in frustration when it doesn't come lose. He take a swing at Thorin with his bladed arm and the dwarf ducks. The pale orc nearly loses his balance and stumbles back into his spot to keep his part of the ice balanced and the two of them glared at each other, both panting heavily.

The woman continued to back away from the white warg. Swinging furiously at the beast when it came to close to her. Freya suddenly shrieked when she fell over into the loose rubble. The white warg was right at her feet and when she went to swing her sword at the creature it swung it's massive paw, clawing her arm and she screamed. Thorin and Azog turned in the direction of the stairs. Thorin's heart began racing when he saw the sword that came flying over the ledge and made a clanging sound when it hit the ice. Freya could feel the blood running down her arm as she backed up until she was right up against the wall, the animal towered over her. The woman suddenly looked to her side and her eyes widen in horror to see her cousin was out cold, covered in his own blood. "Bilbo?" her voice broke. The warg growled and snapped it's teeth at her, her face was covered in pure terror as it was about to end her life and she closed her eyes waiting for it.

Thorin hadn't taken his eyes off tower where the woman was and the pale orc was about to stab him when something in the distant caused Azog to stop dead in his tracks. The dwarf caught sight of the shock look on the pale orcs face, when eagles began flying over them, heading for Azog's reinforcements and the orc watches as these creatures began taking out his army. Thorin looked back at the towers, their hadn't been any signs of movement in a long time and he feared the worse had happened. One of the eagles veered off course towards the tower and swoops down as the white warg was raising its giant paw at the woman when it heard the sound of an eagle screeching and it grabbed the warg with its talons and flung it over the edge.

Once Thorin saw the woman was clearly in no danger. He looked back to see his enemy was still watching the eagles whipping out his armies, along with Beorn who was in his giant bear form. He throws his sword down on the ice behind him. The pale orc, heard the noise and turned around just as Thorin yanked the rock out of the ice and tosses it at Azog, who instinctively catches it. The dwarf jumps back onto the sheet of ice behind him and the section of ice begins to tip over. Azog drops his rock and chain and he struggles to get a grip on the ice and growls in fury at Thorin as he is submerged under the water. Thorin watched as the orc disappeared and finally lets out the deep breath he'd been holding in for so long.

The hobbit got up from the ground, her hand was covering the arm that was wounded by the white warg, trying to stop the bleeding. She walked over to the ledge and looked over to see Thorin had appeared to be unharmed, and Azog was no where to be seen. The young woman dashed over to her cousin. " Bilbo?" Freya called. " Bilbo! Wake up!" She cried as she shook him. Thorin knelt down and picked up his sword, when something moving under the ice caught his attention and he slowly got up and watched as his nemesis's body floated towards the waterfall and his face filled with terror. Freya shook her cousin again when she heard Thorin let out a painful scream. She looked behind her, panicking she had no weapon on her. She quickly looked around when she spotted her cousin's sword and she grabbed it and dashed down the stairs. Freya was down the stairs when she saw Azog was standing right over Thorin who was on his back, his sword caught in the fork of Azog's bladed arm that was only inches from his chest.

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