The Video

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The Video

Prologue: An Announcement

May 23, 2013

“This is it, Echo. You’re actually gonna do it.” Wiping her eyes with the back of her Hollister hoodie and taking a deep breath, Echo sighed and opened her shoebox. She poured the contents onto the bed and sat cross legged and grabbed her laptop. “They deserve to know.” She said as she picked up a picture of her sister and her best friends.

Drying her eyes from the tears she just shed, Echo Martin opened her laptop and turned on her webcam. Attempting to fix her bangs that were hiding her piercing blue eyes that were dazed from crying. The bags under her eyes were almost embedded in her face as she cleared her throat and pressed record.

May 26, 2013

"These announcement is for all students and faculty. We have had a loss here at Landslide High. One of our seniors has past away."

The voice over the intercom would have normally been ignored but the news that someone had died, everyone stopped talking and listened.

"Echo Martin passed away over the weekend. We ask that everyone please keep her family in your thoughts as they struggle with this strategy. Thank you for your time."

The intercom broke off and silence filled almost every classroom more importantly 5th period Drama. No one spoke. No one breathed. It was complete silence until Jackie Lopez stood up and spoke.

"Look it's not that big a deal. She died big deal. Everyone dies. Let's just get back work!”

The entire class just stared at her like she was crazy. Especially Ariel Buchanan, Echo’s best friend.

"Big deal? Really? She was 18! She was a baby! She had her life ahead of her. We don't even know how she died. How can you be so selfish?"

Lucas Frank, Echo's closest guy friend stood up and tried to block Jackie from the obvious attack that Ariel was subconsciously planning.

"She's always selfish. All she cares about is herself. I wouldn't be surprised if she was looking at her reflection in the window right now."

Jenet James had been silent since she heard Echo's name come over the intercom. The insult that Lucas just threw at Jackie made her smile. Meanwhile, Denise Williams, Ariel's best friend and Echo's close friend, was praying. She just folded her hands and started talking to the one person she knew would keep her friend safe. God.

"Just shut the hell up!"

The entire room was taken by surprise when Jenet yelled at the class.

"This is not the time or the place. OUR friend just died. If she wasn't your friend then let us grieve for her."

Lucas smiled and put his hand on her shoulder.

Class went on business as usual and after the bell rang for last period the seniors stayed in the room.

"What do we do?" Lucas asked.

"I have no idea. I never knew someone this young that died. It was only 3 months til graduation." Jenet answered.

"Maybe we should go see Sarah." Ariel suggested.

Sarah was Echo's twin sister. Sarah hadn't been back to school since Echo died.

"I think we should." Denise agreed.

"All of us?" Jenet asked.

Ariel nodded her head and the four friends grabbed their bags and walked out of the school.

"What one is their house?" Jenet asked.

"The second one with the white roses on the gate." Denise answered.

All four friends slowly walked to the door and Lucas looked at the group before taking a deep breath and knocking on the door.

"Sarah?" Denise asked almost unsure whether or not the pale ghostly looking girl was her friend.

"What are you guys doing here?" Sarah asked.

"We heard about Echo. We came as soon as we heard." Ariel said.

"So you guys know what happened?" Sarah asked.

"That she died?" Jenet asked.

"No that she killed herself last week. She committed suicide."

"What?" Ariel asked confused.

"I thought you guys knew. I'm sorry. Come in." Sarah said opening the door enough to let everyone in.

"Why?" Lucas asked crying.

"I don't know. All I know is she left this." Sarah walked to the den and carried an American Eagle shoebox back with her.

"What is that?" Jenet asked.


Opening the box she pulled out a diary and a flashdrive with a peace sign key chain attached to it.

"This is her suicide video. She wanted you guys to watch it."

Denise and Ariel looked at each other scared.

"Why us?" They asked.

"Not just you. She had a list. The entire drama class from this year and last year and some teachers."

Sarah almost choked on her words trying to hold the tears back.

"I invited everyone. They should be here soon. I want to know what one of those bitches did this to my sister."


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