Chapter 5

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Sophia's P.O.V.

 Something's up with Dixie, I'm sure of it. She's hiding something. I didn't get a chance to talk to her yet, before, we were a bit too busy getting ready and it might have ruined the mood for tonight. My thoughts get broken as someone taps my shoulder. I jump up and spin around, nearly tripping over my heels and twisting my ankle. Ooh, that would've been bad. Now that I think of it, why am I even wearing heels? It's not like I really need them, I'm 5'6" already... Oh, yeah, it's what happens when I'm in a complete rush and need to pack in like 5 minutes flat...

Behind us are Wolf and Blake. Dang, they look stunning in Tuxedo's. My mind changes subjects really quickly, so yeah...

"Hell-o ladies" Exclaims Wolf.  

"Heyyyyy!" I say, grinning like a maniac. Blake takes the door handle from Dixie and opens it.

"Ladies first," he declares. We walk in. 

In utter amazement, we breathlessly whisper "wow" to each other and just gaze at the ceiling. It's a huge room, with at least 20-foot ceilings. Columns surround the whole room and a glass chandelier hangs down in the center of the room. A small catwalk runs around the top of the room with shining banisters. My eye catches on a tall man at the top of the staircase leading up to the catwalk. He must be our host. Already there are a few tables set up and people milling about. I didn't expect that, I thought we were the only people here.

Oh, look, there's Scar and Lilac! I wonder how their room bunking is working out-they seem like complete opposites. Lilac is really shy but has these intense, intelligent eyes like she's seen a lot and knows a lot. Scar's whole appearance makes her more on the...rambunctious side, possibly been in a lot of fights. Trey and Dex are bunking, and I feel bad for Trey. Anyone that has to be within a ten-foot zone for more than 5 minutes with Dex I feel bad for. Then again, it's not like Dex is gonna be hitting on Trey, so it can't be that bad...right?

Dixie calls over to Scar and Lilac and motion them over to us. They didn't look too excited from where they were, Scar was staring at one of the paintings on the walls and Lilac was writing something on paper. After Dixie calls over to them, they get up and start walking to us.  Then, I hear footsteps approaching from behind. I turn around, not willing to be surprised again. It's Trey and Dex, and now the 8 of us are together.

"Hi guys!" I declare cheerfully. Dex whistles as he looks over Dixie and me. I don't usually hate, but this has got to be the one exception. Trey's face gets a little red and whispers "hi" back. Just then, the guy who I assumed to be the host comes down the stairs and walks towards us, introducing himself.

"Hello, everyone. Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Dr. Serpente and I am your host for the next two weeks." Yep, I was right, he is our host. He's a tall man, with slightly graying hair and sharp eyes. 

"Nice to meet you! My name is Sophia, and this is Dixie, Scar, Lilac, Blake, Wolf, Trey, and Dex!"  I exclaim, pointing to each of us. 

"Wonderful! I hope you're enjoying your stay here so far, and I urge you to explore a bit, this island has a very unique history and lots of interesting features." 

"What exactly is the name of this island?" Asks Blake.

"This is Poveglia. I'll leave it up to you to explore its history, you can start tonight if you'd wish, right after the banquet." He winks at us. "I'll see you all later."

"Bye!" He leaves. I turn to everyone else and ask them whether they'd rather eat or explore first. We were nearly anonymous, Dex is the only one that wanted to eat rather than explore. That doesn't surprise me. 

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