Chapter 3

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Sophia's P.O.V.

From what I've seen so far, this trip is going to be interesting. At least, I hope it is. Jim says we're about an hour from touchdown, and at this point, I think I've learned a bit about most of the people on this plane, save for the one girl with the short strawberry-blond hair. She hasn't said "boo" to anyone at all yet. She's just chilling on her iPod; doing what, I don't know. But besides her, people have been...talking to each other, which is a good thing, I guess. There's this one kid, Dex... he's a I need to say more? He seems to be the typical rich kid that's got nothing better to do rather than act macho. And he talks in a British accent, but it's obvious that it is false. Weird.

Then there's this other girl, Dixie. She seems pretty cool, she completely told off Dex before. Now that was pretty fricking funny. Now she and some other boy, Blake, I think his name is, are both talking. I may not be the best person when it comes to relationships, but there's something definitely going on there. 

Oh, look, it's Dex again.

"Hey, Sophia, right?"


"You wanna chill in that hot tub?"


"You positive?"

"Yeah... Can you leave me alone? If this plane is about to crash and we need to put on seat-belts, then I'll consider getting in there with you, in the mean time, no." I stare him straight in the eye with a glare that says, "if you don't get out of my face, you're gonna be the first person to leave the plane...20,000 feet in the air." He doesn't get the hint.

"i promise you you'll have fun..." He winks at me. Stupid British accent. Suddenly, another boy comes over. I'm pretty sure he introduced himself as Wolf.

"Ladies, ladies, calm down. Chico, leave Miss Perfect over here alone. She says no, don't push it." Now Wolf winks at me. Great, now I have two guys winking at me, but I don't mind it as much when Wolf does it. He has such sharp blue eyes...

"Ok, whatever," exclaims Dex. He walks away. 

"So, Sophia, where are you from?" It's Wolf.

"I'm from California. How about you?"

"I live in Georgia at the moment, but I was actually born in California too. Wow."

Just then, Trey comes over. Sneaking behind him comes Strawberry blonde hair. Oh wow, something I never noticed before; she has a huge scar running down her right arm. How I didn't notice, I have no idea. 

"No way," says Trey, " I grew up there till I was 4, then I moved to Nevada.

"All we all like, siblings or something? I came from there too, but moved to Ohio after my accident." It's the strawberry blonde haired girl.

"Is that how you got your scar?" I asked.


"What's your name?"

"Scarlett, but most people call me Scar because of, well, the scar on my arm."

"Yeah, that makes perfect sense." Wolf. I feel like I've found the smart aleck of our newfound group.

Sitting at seat by herself sits Lilac. She's fiddling with a lock, and I hear a pop. She speaks for the first time since introducing herself.

In a quite voice, she asks us if we were adopted. Dixie and Blake sneak their way into the conversation.

"Yes," says Scar, Trey, and Blake.

Lilac continues. "And how many of you were born in California?" All of us raise our hands except Dixie.

Barely audible, she says, "I don't even know where I came from." 

"Figures. We're almost all from California-" I shoot a questioning glance at Dixie, "And we're all going to a banquet. In Italy. This'll be interesting," I say aloud. At that point, Jim comes back from the cockpit.

"Hey, everyone, I'd like to let you know that we're going to be touching down in just a few minutes. At this point, everyone should go buckle themselves in. Please go to the hot tub." He walks back into the cockpit.

"Hey, Sophia, now will you go into the hot tub with me?"

"Is, 'if you don't shut up, I'm gonna punch you" a good enough answer for you?" 

"Fine, fine." 

Dixie looks at me and smiles. Seems like we've got something in common: the ability to make a douche shut up.

"Dixie, what do you mean by you don't know where you come from?"

"Hmm? I didn't say anything" The look in her eyes show me she's not ready to talk about it, at least not yet. 

We all cram into the hot tub, and 8 seat belts pop out of the seats around the plane. Don't ask me how it works, I still have no idea. Looking around at the other people, I feel a twinge of emotion. These are gonna be the people I'm hanging out with for the next 2 weeks, like it or not. I'd better get used to them. A sudden jolt of turbulence brings me back to the present. I realize I'm staring at Dex, (why Dex, I don't know) then look away. Ok, he deifinitely spent WAY too much time styling his hair this morning, the gel is practically dripping down. With that last thought, we land. 

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